
We value our customer relationships and the experiences they have with the training we recommend so much, we never delete a testimonial!
Check out some of what our students have said about us over the years. (some of the testimonials below are from our Mortgage Company, some are from when Abacus provided NMLS approved training, and others are from the past few years where we have been helping the industry now partnered with Mortgage Education (NMLS provider 1400051)

Over the years, we have worked with more than 60,000 students to achieve their training and education goals. 
It seems many of them have something to say. 
We take their critical suggestions seriously. 
We are proud that so many have good things to 
report from their experience with our trainers and staff for more than 25 years!

  • Very informative and provided valuable resources. 

Lin Bogerty

  • More information than you would expect in an 8-hour period

Gilles Godin

  • Paul allows you to interact with the information using a hands-on approach to learning. He puts himself in your shoes.

Callie Williams

  • Very informative and casual; fast-paced with a friendly environment.

Steve Szoke

  • I have been in this business for 8 years and I have learned a lot in the 8 hours about new law changes that I was not aware of. 

Michael Sicilian

  • The best way to keep up to date in the ever changing mortgage loan business. This is a must for all new loan officers.

Jack Penny

  • Paul deserves the world's admiration because he has taken on the responsibility of providing for the betterment of mankind and made the decision to conduct himself with others with integrity.

James Dodge

  • Exciting, contagious and very knowledgeable.

Sam Oxendine

  • After 16 years in the business you still love what your doing. I'm learning something every day.

David W. Saint Sing

  • Best source of information, not only to pass exam, but to be competent as well. Exciting, contagious and very knowledgeable.

Sam Oxendine

  • Very informative and uplifting. Paul makes you feel excited about this profession.

Karen W. Strickland

  • I like the energy

Rob Norwood

  • Paul gave me the one single most important and invaluable piece of information that I and every loan officer or human needs to do business or live well. You will learn and truly be convinced how, but more importantly, why to do business and it isn't to

James Dodge

  • The instructors speak from excellent experience and relate extremely well to all material and what the audience needs.

Robey Best, Jr.

  • I have been doing this for years -- yet I learned a lot today.

George Potter

  • Even though I have 39 years in lending, 8 in residential mortgages, I learned dozens of things I either never knew or had forgotten. The instructors were focused and animated. Clear, common sense interpretations given for all concepts.

Jeffrey D. Stitch

  • Paul and Kathy are both bright and well versed mortgage professionals. Very knowledgeable but they can talk in a language the common inexperienced originator can understand. Great class.

Eric Beyer

  • Paul Donohue and Kathy Godin did a terrific job making us understand the procedures and responsibilities of being a loan originator. This class will be a wonderful resource for me.

Adrienne Childres

  • Both instructors did an excellent job. You are committed to doing a good job because you believe in the business and you live it.

Clarence Bell, Jr.

  • Charismatic; knowledgeable. Good analogies tying together confusing concepts.

Ellery Bowker

  • This class gave me renewed confidence in my ability to do a valued and prosperous job performance.

Cathy Powell

  • Both instructors were friendly and helpful. Very well prepared materials; presentations were excellent and kept moving.

Eileen McNeil

  • Your website is a 12! Refer people to it as much as possible. Class was very thorough, organized, excellent manual. Much more comprehensive than NCAMP's.

Rebecca Landan

  • Terrific. Very dynamic, knowledgeable and kept my interest for entire class.

Ron Groene

  • Good handouts and resource manual. Well prepared. Really appreciated stress on ethical behavior. Paul was knowledgeable and added his personality for an interesting as well as entertaining presentation.

Kay Flournoy

  • Paul is a captivating speaker who is able to keep it simple

Thomas Baschnagel

  • Paul was a pleasure to listen to and Kathy translated very well. You both made this class fun and a learning experience.

Connie Hogan

  • Very enthusiastic and seemed to love what they do.

Shawn Johnson

  • Class was very worthwhile. Very professional. Very educational. I feel like I can ace the test now! Found the instructors to be very knowledgeable and entertaining! Really enjoyed the class. Good job of instilling pride in what we do!

Lesa Lindsay

  • I've never been so fired up after hearing Paul talk about loans! He drove the point home about his ethics!!

Keith Rinaldo

  • I felt Paul and Kathy were well versed and presented the material in an exciting way. Made me want to hit the market running. Paul was great and his enthusiasm for the business was infecting.

Carol Sala

  • I really, really like the way Paul shines the light of promise on this industry. His focus on integrity and the future of his industry is so motivating. Very, very good. I appreciated the strong showing of leadership on the integrity issue.

Robert Settle

  • Very honest and informative seminar. See you next year!

Julia Vaughan

  • Paul is very dynamic. He keeps your attention and is obviously into

Kami Spangenberg

  • The class was professionally conducted, but had a personable real world side as we

Trevor Witherspoon

  • After 3 years in the business I have still learned things here. Paul was very well prepared, hit the high notes, and concentrated on the most important items.

Steve Hare

  • I enjoyed Paul's enthusiasm for the profession.

Steve Meroney

  • Extremely great class; a lot of good information.

Sharon Bullin

  • Excellent speakers; very alive; not boring; very informative.

Celeste Brintley

  • Very positive, enthusiastic approach to presenting the required educational materials. Excellent pairing of people for the presentation and the materials were very thorough.

Jerry Wass

  • Great class. Good pertinent instruction. Paul was thorough, upbeat, knowledgeable, and the material presented was right on target!

Stephen W. Clark

  • Very informative and told in a manner that makes it easy to retain and remember. Very to-the-point.

Nicole Gasperson

  • Great instructors. I thought you were both very involved in our learning process.

Houa Yang

  • I thought that the instructors were very personable and interested in making sure the material was understood.

Mark Miller

  • Paul and Kathy were great communicators. The opportunity to succeed is clearly given through the info given in this course.

Tom Pathtel

  • Pleasant, knowledgeable, interesting. No matter how tired you can't fall asleep. Well done!

Bob Youngblood

  • Extremely passionate about this business. Strives to get all of us to reach our potential. A beacon of light to guide us down the right path of mortgage origination.

Ellen Nelson

  • Great class. I can't wait for your advanced level training! Paul is passionate and really believes in what he is doing. Stimulating, inspiring and informative…ahead of the pack.

Joe Mitchell

  • Instructors were knowledgeable about the subject and had great presentation skills.

Don Holder

  • Paul and Kathy are a great team and can share many years of experience with you.

Shawn Kelly

  • Very energetic and informative. Obviously very educated in the industry.

Andrea Bohnert

  • Both were great. They talked to the class as a real person, not like an instructor who was just there to teach. They treated me like a person, not just another student.

Teresa Flowers

  • One of the best speakers I've heard. Knew the material very well.

Glenda Blackmon

  • Very knowledgeable and articulate. Very personable. She took time to speak with everyone and seemed genuinely pleased to be teaching and meeting everyone.

Colleen Haimbaugh

  • She was very well spoken; very refreshing! Explained APR better than I've ever heard it! Great job!

Sharon Thompson

  • 10+, great, awesome.

David Nuckles

  • I wish I had been to this seminar the first 6 months in this business. Answered a lot of questions I figured out the hard way.

Connie Sutter

  • Spoke clearly. Used everyday examples to explain. Made herself available during breaks for questions.

Sarah Wheelis

  • Fabulous - great energy, enthusiasm and knowledge.

Martha Sickles

  • She was great. I enjoyed listening to her. Very effective.

Donna Chestnuet

  • Great presentation by a well grounded person from our industry.

Grover Cauthen

  • I found this class excellent. Very well conducted and informative. Kathy Godin was the best.

Rosa Wiggins

  • This is the first class that I have been to that the trainer really cared about what you learned. You can tell that Mr. Donohue loves what he does and it gives us such encouragement to be the best we can be as a broker.

Martha Summers

  • The total class experience was enjoyable and educating.

Carl Stevens

  • Paul Donohue not only teaches us honor to the customer, but honor to the trade/industry.

Chris Baucom

  • I enjoyed everything and thank you for the strong personal ethic section.

Jason Freeman

  • Paul was awesome. He makes understanding easy!

Shannon Carrigan

  • Frankly, when I walked in this morning I was only here to fulfill the NC CE requirement! I can't believe how beneficial this day has been! The fee I paid was cheap compared to what I got! The value of the information I received is priceless! I can go

Jay Conner

  • Your commitment to education and ethical behavior in our industry is evident. Your positioning as someone in the marketplace doing what your students do makes you credible and creates a quick level of trust.

John Dickson

  • Awesome and fulfilling. If you have to take education why not enjoy it.

Evelyn Dean

  • Speaks clearly and moves with energy, captivating attention. Transmits a sense of integrity.

Ron Satterfield

Additional Testimonials

The day went by extremely quickly due to the interesting manner in which the material was presented. Perfect time management.
Jason Darnell

Very informative; great pace. Instructor was entertaining when needed… Great personal experience. Materials was covered well with no interruptions.
Angel Morgan

Paul was a great instructor. Not only did he take his time in explaining everything, but made sure it was understood. He went over the important things to remember… I have never felt so intelligent and aware after an 8 hour class, but due to Excellenc
Megan Brooke Spain

Never a dull moment. Kept you engaged all day.
Hunter McMackin

Clear, concise info delivered in a dynamic, interesting and sincere manner. Excellent coverage of tough materials.
Jennifer Inscoe

Energized after seeing a lot of dishonesty in the marketplace. Paul takes absolute pride in what he does and stresses ethics.
Paul Sofia

This was a very insightful and comprehensive class. Paul covered a multitude of information and made it fun. I wanted to learn.
Stephen Clark

Great instruction and relationship skills. Very accessible and entertaining!
Lori R. McGinnis

Since I have 18 years of mortgage lending experience I expected to be bored by the class; instead I found Paul informative and interesting. Bravo!
George Richardson

Paul and Kathy both love the work. I, for one, would prefer such mentors!! Wow! Bring on that test! Thank you for the free audits! I'm auditing today's class.
Kevin E. Roberts

Mr. Donohue was detail oriented and explained concepts in a very understandable format.
Cathtina Gayton

Paul's enthusiasm really gets you motivated. He really knows his information. He has extensive knowledge of the industry and he presents it very clearly. Shares a lot of inside
Tim Dixon

Paul, thank you very much. I enjoyed your teaching methodology. Examples, illustrations, hyperboles are excellent tools.
Mike Cox

Great personal skills; reads
Luke Allison

Instructor was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Overall a very informative day.
Kevin Harris

8 hours certainly went by quickly! I didn't expect to actually enjoy the class. I'm going to be ready for my exam! Kathy kept my attention the full class time. I wish I could take her to my exam instead of a calculator!
Steven Dudley

The class is very informative. The material and instructor was very precise.
Shannon Warlick

Kathy was very knowledgeable, engaging, and full of excellent suggestions on real world situations.
Albert Moore

By the end of the session I was ready to get myself organized to begin marketing myself, as well as educating others what I have learned. Kathy showed a lot of excitement with her career.
Cassandra L. Snider

I thought I would have a hard time staying awake but Kathy did not make it dry. It was interesting and made you think.
Michelle Fuoco

Kathy is very personable and tells stories from her experience to help people apply principles.
Jessica Pinard

Kathy is great, knowledgeable, experienced and very well spoken. She made the class interesting.
George D. Scott, Jr.

Great preparation material and testing suggestions and support.
Cynthia von der Lehr

As a new member entering the field the class was very effective. Kathy is clear and professional and kept on task. Had a great day.
Leigh Ann Edwards

I appreciated the professionalism and quality of the presentation and study materials. Kathy was lively, engaging, and knowledgeable.
Phyllis Knight

Kathy is a professional. Her insight presents real value to the course.
Bill Merrill

Very passionate and extremely knowledgeable and highly credible instructor. I enjoyed the presentation.
William Davis

Excellent orator with excellent communication and selling skills. He makes the material easy to learn and understand.
Mike Prickett

Great instructor. Was not dull. Was funny yet serious in getting his points across. Really cared about teaching us the information that we needed.
Eric Vandor

Informative, likable professional. He kept my attention throughout the fast-paced, knowledge filled presentation. Good stuff.
Michael Conley

The instructor, Mr. Donohue, was very enthusiastic about his industry and how he wanted all of us to gain success in the industry.
Lucas Mabry

I think the confidence of knowledge, not arrogance, showed the class and myself why good loan officers need training and continuing education.
Cameron Chapman

Very informative. Thanks for the sincere approach and compassion.
Wayne Mitchell

Thorough and intent on our success and the success of our customers.
Bryan Jagger

Kathy did a great job. It was a long day but she kept it upbeat and didn't miss a step.
Lauren Yang

This course is beneficial not only to mortgage originators, but also on a personal level and complements my area of business in real estate. A wealth of knowledge in her head.
Ann Marie Jagger

It's filled with vital information. Very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about subject matter. Instructor is rated at a distinguished level in my opinion.
Dendrick Gamble

I have been to many licensing classes over the years and this was by far the most enjoyable one I have been to. Paul is energetic and entertaining. He brings an optimistic view of what a professional loan officer should be.
Barry Duckworth

Exceptional blend of fundamentals of loan origination and selling skills training. Thank you. Paul is an excellent role model for types of sales professionals and up and coming loan officers.
Robert Cansler

Not only a good teacher, but plenty of good humor.
Dario Brose

A considerable amount of information was presented, but the presentation was clear and interesting. I am leaving feeling well prepared to take the state exam and received good tips for getting into the business/profession.
Millicent Williams

Very knowledgeable. Great enthusiasm to teach.
Vu Bui

Paul was extremely energetic and enthusiastic -- qualities that carried over and helped me feel more confident and excited about my new career choice.
Heather Shipman

Paul seems to be the kind of LO who I would want to imitate. He claims that he can sleep well at night because he works with integrity. After spending the day in his course, I believe him.
Stacy Kagawa

Energetic, knowledgeable, credible and an all-around nice guy. If I weren't in the business, I'd have Paul originate my loan!
David Geada

Paul is a great speaker. Very thorough and professional. Kept subject exciting and made class a pleasure to attend.
Amy S. Earnhardt

Very motivational. I've been a mortgage broker for 7 years and I still learned a lot! The information and thoughts confirmed to my staff precisely what I have been preaching
Tim Kritcher

This class is very professionally presented. The speaker is full of energy and the class was educating and enjoyable.
Jo Newsome

Great knowledge, enthusiasm and willingness to prepare students for not only the exam but also a career.
Chris Holcombe

Paul is very professional and knowledgeable in the mortgage field. He really held my attention and made the class very interesting. Great presenter!
Patricia B. Hall

Very dynamic speaker. Evident joy in being involved in the mortgage industry.
Pamela Davis

Clear, concise, well spoken and to the point. Awesome speaker and class motivator.
Brian King

Excellent program for new people in our industry and also a great refresher for the veterans.
Bruce A. Braddy

Kathy did a great job! Great personality, great speaker and has an obvious passion for her job.
Robin Fitzgerald

Why consider any other learning source - Paul has it All!!
Gary Dean

Kathy seems very genuine and truly wants to help the customer. She loves what she does and it shows.
Phyllis Allen

Excellent presenter. Definitely knows what she is talking about. Wealth of information. Great style!
Eunice W. Ghumba-Gatabaki

Energetic, very colorful; passionate about his industry's worth and a skillful sales/mortgage force.
Reginald T. Montgomery

Paul is a great person and an awesome speaker. Thanks.
Jessica Mosley

Upbeat, informative. Presents quality information that is helpful. No matter how long you have been in the business you learn something.
Reginald T. Barkley

I loved the portion on ethics and self-motivation.
Vandee Lee

Best continuing ed class I have ever had…informative. Needed by all brokers and originators.
Roger Medlock

He is very high on ethics. This is a rare commodity.
Lorenza Clark

The class was very educational and exciting. I was motivated to get better as a result. I actually learned something and had fun. High energy.
Wilbert Levett

He is the best motivator…how to sell yourself as a loan officer/the relationship to your customer.
Nhoua Yang

Lively and kept moving. Paul is a natural teacher. Enjoyed the class.
James Harrison

Really liked the motivational speech during the ethics subject. Also liked being informed about the laws and the way they are changing. Very good class. I stayed awake!
Vanessa Rogers

Been in the business 3 years and still learned a lot. At the same time I enjoyed myself. Awesome!!
Nikki Deckard

This presenter can make you a better loan officer.
Joe O'Brien

A+. A great base for loan origination. Wealth of information conveyed in an entertaining way. An excellent instructor and a great asset to the profession.
S. Michell Brittain

The presentation was excellent. I have offies in 3 states and I am making this class mandatory as of Monday.
C. Douglas Baker

Everyone was attentive throughout the training class. He passed on his love for the business through his excitement.
Richard Smith

Paul is articulate and personable.
Rob Decker

… extremely knowledgeable of his profession. An excellent facilitator.
Marshall Caldwell

The info on the laws was very useful … upbeat and a great speaker.
Erin Furey

Ethics section was excellent!
Rob Franck

It is obvious that Paul is very passionate about his work and it's motivating.
Lori Irvin

Excellent, great communicator.
Harold Miller

Paul is an excellent presenter and used a good number of tools in his presentation. He is very authentic and his enthusiasm is contagious.
Rene Disser

Clear and concise presentation of the information required to service the borrowing public effectively and ethically.
Sharon McCullough

Very informative. Good communicator. Kept things flowing and had passion for sharing information.
Kirk Reed

Very good instructor. Highly recommended A+.
Earl L. Smith III

Energy feeds energy - great! Really enjoyed it.
Mary Chaney

Very effectively channeled a lot of information into our heads in 8 hours.
Margie Northstrom

Well put together. Does a good job of making the program interesting.
Michael Jeremy Smith

Very well organized and enthusiastic. Portrays a love for the business.
Joseph St. John

You helped me see the joy of the industry.
Gene Storominsky

Paul is paving the way for successful, ethical originators.
Marci Martin

Very motivating, enthusiastic and sincere. 8 hours just flew by!!
Ted Jaramillo

I enjoyed listening to someone with a real experience just like myself. I never felt as if I were being instructed.
Michelle P. Ingram

Kathy is such a joy! She is an excellent instructor and kept everyone's attention. Well done Kathy and Paul!
Michele Ellis

Excellent, clear information. Upbeat and positive presentation.
Gail Brunette

Great! Enjoyment of class and information given made time fly. Did not seem like 8 hours at all!
Christy R. Strickland

This class is a must for everyone in this industry. Customers need to be well educated during the process, which means the LO needs to be also. Great instructor, very knowledgeable about this industry. Wish I had her to teach me when I got started.
Michael Nathan

Great class. Rekindled my drive to do mortgages.
H. Brian Anderson

I have been doing loans for four years … today was the most informative class I've attended to date!
B. Kay Staffer

Very informative. A great class for both beginner as well as experienced LO.
Trevor Johnson

Your class will be a requirement for my new loan officers. Two thumbs up on your integrity and ethics section.
Christopher W. Cornett

Dynamic, impassioned, positive. Excellent, funny and articulate.
Mark Morales

10+. Excellent speaker, great educator and expert in the field. Thank you for coming to Asheville to share your personal and professional philosophy.
Martin R. Luna

Gave a new view on ARMs. Good rapport with class and gave good commentary on how to sell, relationships and being a solution provider.
Peter Leno

Dynamic, energetic and captivating.
Daniel P. Bernabe

This class and materials are the best. It taught me a lot. Awesome.
Wayne Callahan

Paul is so knowledgeable. I gained so much insight, took away some new ideas. This was definitely worth it!
Kathy Goad

Paul is very knowledgeable, presents well, but most of all is very passionate.
Jim Kelly

Beneficial to anyone in this industry, whether new or seasoned.
Michelle R. Roten

Paul Donohue will provide insight, growth and professionalism.
V. Todd Smith

Come and get your continuing education requirements at the same time re-energize your mortgage career with new ideas.
Justin Zigbuo

Fantastic, easily understood, most knowledgeable, great person.
Jack Cook

As a former college professor, I can hereby emphatically say Kathy Godin
Daniel K. Gatabaki, Ph.D.

I think this class is wonderful for people starting out as LOs. Dynamic instructor and material is presented in a very easy to understand format.
Karen Laughner

Kathy Godin knows how to simplify a course that is known as hard
Bela Coble

The tempo was excellent. Kathy was sensitive to every participant. I will attend another one of the classes.
Lin Dawson

Paul is excellent. He's interesting and will be successful in raising the bar for the mortgage industry.
Jamie Harrington

This was one of the best instructional classes I've attended. Paul's delivery was professional.
Winston Webber

I learned more from this class than I did from the first 2 day educational class I took under another company.
Keishuh Jones

The energy expressed by Paul is the reason I know that I will succeed and proves to me that I made the right decision.
David Karriker

A lot of information and explanation is given. Well worth the time and money.
Rita Pennell

Excellent class. Very informative. Makes you proud to be in the industry.
Todd Miller

I was not bored at all. Fun and informative. Good energy!
William Kim Angiel

Great speaker with very effective delivery of material.
Tosha Dunlap-Stanley

Paul is a great motivator and obviously loves what he does. He has made me very excited about beginning my career in the mortgage industry.
Christina Lund

Excellent. Very caring attitude. Believes in integrity and is a good representative of our industry.
Randy Crawley

Very informative and easily understood for the novice. She kept the info flowing and explained in a manner easily understood using examples of loans and problems she has encountered. Gave practical knowledge.
Patsy McDonald

Everything that I expected to be a part of the training was provided and very well explained.
Thomas Long

I think the ethics module will be the key to all new LOs. It is very simple but speaks volumes toward success.
John Soltis

Paul's enthusiasm about the industry is motivational.
Adriana Jimenez

Trainer presented examples which were easy to relate to. I believe it goes beyond just fundamentals.
Gregory Smalls

I really liked Kathy. She was very informative. Her life experiences offer a lot of help. She was most encouraging. I would like for her to be my mentor.
Barri Spratt

The most informative training class I have been to. The teacher was insightful and connected with the trainees.
Brandon Higgins

Kathy was great at explaining things and walking around the room to ensure that everyone was comprehending the information. She is a very good teacher. She speaks in layman's terms, which is very helpful to first time people like myself. Excellent ene
Kim S. Rhodes

The instructor really knows the industry and gave us important and informative inside info I would have never known. Kathy is wonderful, eager to assist and has strong communication skills.
Melissa Powers

I was very impressed with Kathy. She really knows the business extremely well. I learned so much. She is very sincere and has a creative spirit. Thanks Kathy.
Carson D. Jones

Very good basic information for anyone new in the business. Kathy was very well spoken and informative with a lot of examples of her experience in the field.
Karen Sommerville

Most knowledgeable class of 8 hours I have ever taken. Kathy is one of the best instructor I have ever learned from.
Robert K. McClary

Kathy is one of the most informative and knowledgeable people I've met in our industry.
Ron Scalf

Kathy was very well spoken and very helpful. I would consider her an excellent teacher.
Sandra H. Childers

Interesting, funny and very informative. A great motivational and inspirational speaker. Thanks! Paul was a hoot. I have never had as much fun in a continuing ed class as I had today.
Karen Roche

Paul's genuine concern and care for our industry makes this class a must for all.
Jeff Davis

Paul is very congenial and I enjoyed his lecture on ethics.
John C. Platzer

Good selling and ethical concepts. Paul is a dynamic speaker and is able to keep attention.
Dot B. Canaday

I enjoyed Paul's unique experience and perspectives on origination. He is highly energetic and a great instructor.
Rick Davidson

Awesome, regenerated energy to move ahead further. Fantastic instructor!
William C. Lange

Upbeat presentation, whether brand new or years of experience. Paul seems very knowledgeable and has the hands on
Bob Wilkerson

Paul was incredible. I was truly dreading this class and much to my surprise I actually enjoyed AND learned something. I believe Paul believes in what he does. I feel invigorated and ready to sell!
Sherry C. Bailey

Great information, awesome insights, powerful instruction. You are a walking ball of energy and optimism. Paul really got my attention. He has a style and presentation worthy of prime time television. Truly superlative!
Sean Gardner

Just Paul's attitude alone gave me inspiration. I had never heard of Paul before but meeting him today has pretty much made my mind up as far as my career goes.
Amanda J. Lawrence

I would recommend this class to anyone. Just excellent presentation skills.
Rocky Ward

I have never had an instructor quite like Mr. Donohue. Excellent presentation. Kept my attention, good voice quality. He was unique!
Patricia Eubank

Paul uses his own unique personality and experience to relay vital information for a LO to be the best at what they do.
Tony Jones

Ability to take a myriad of regulations and condense each to the most salient points.
John Rawlings

Professional training organization that practices what they teach. Kathy's examples come from her own experiences. You can tell she loves the industry and is delighted when she can solve a borrower's complex financial need.
Katherine Mitchell

The statistic of the highest pass rate speaks for itself.
Mike Bolynn

Really, really like Kathy. She is very well versed and knowledgeable.
Linda Funk

Paul is professional, prepared and knows the business. Excellent presentation. The impression is that he loves what he does and wants to share it.
Darlene Malecki

Paul is energetic, amusing and charismatic. He takes a very dull subject and breathes life into it.
Trevan Nova-Bryant

Although I am using this for pre-licensing I feel that all mortgage professional, even grandfathered
Vincent U. Scamacca

Did a good job. Was energetic and passionate about the industry.
Brett Kicklighter

Paul Donohue was very professional and knowledgeable. I wish I could have him mentor me personally so that I could retrieve some of this expertise and pick his brain.
Joe Thomas

Paul is knowledgeable in the field and has the ability to convey his knowledge in a dynamic manner.
Cindy Adams

A natural leader. A thorough, insightful overview of industry and responsibilities of professionals in the industry.
Brian Driscoll

I've been in the industry 6 years and have never seen so much important information in one place. I think we are getting on the right track. Everyone in this industry should take this class. I don't care what level.
John Bennett Sorrell

Wake up call to our industry. Future is bright by doing the right thing.
Randy McDonald

Paul understands the legal and ethical issues of this business. He challenged us to operate at a higher level than required by law.
Doug Jones

Truly the most informative and fun update I have ever attended. Paul is very motivating and expresses conviction about an industry!
Amy Nicholson

Wealth of information. Paul makes eve the basics interesting. Info on laws keep us all out of trouble. Everyone in the mortgage business needs this info.
Vincent Barbour

Mr. Donohue genuinely cares about this business and that makes the difference in his teaching.
Renee Wheaton

Ideal… leaders talk what they know and lead where they'll go… so apparent Paul has… and does!
Willie Baker

Excellent oratorical, communication and people skills. Knowledgeable of industry, laws and marketing.
Jacqueline F. Yelverton

I would recommend this class to beginners as well as long time loan officers. It is very informative and an excellent refresher course.
Kimberly Watson

I thought the instructor was great and I would really like to work for him one day.
Jeffrey J. Gray

I feel as if I am ready to further my commitment to become an ethical, professional loan originator thanks to Paul. I have the business already. The amount of knowledge I'm taking with me is overwhelming and exciting. I enjoyed it very much.
Donna Roy

Excellent personality, very knowledgeable, highly ethical. If I were not a mortgage broker I would go to him for a mortgage.
Robert C. Rippy

I found Kathy to be a great salesperson, presenting everything in a positive light for both parties. She is obviously very good at her job!
J. Candace Edmonds

Kathy is very knowledgeable of the industry and makes it exciting to learn.
Avery Ballard

Paul Donohue is the greatest class/seminar instructor I've had. I was never bored and stayed very interested. His speed of delivery was perfect for me. Great class! As a new broker I feel much better about my new business.
Carmen Watson

After 7 years in the industry I was dreading this day, but I actually enjoyed myself. Very enlightening! Intelligent, knowledgeable, exceptional motivator. Makes you want to get to the office and go to work!
Teri Moss

This was an excellent class. Instructor was knowledgeable and passionate about what he teaches.
Marcus Todd Wilson

Very smart. Knows what he is doing. I would love to have him on my team.
Jeff Malsk

Kathy was great! Easy to understand, conveys the materials in an interesting manner. I thoroughly enjoyed the class.
Nina Barber-Moore

I've learned more in 8 hours than I did in 6 months.
Delois Johnson

She loves the industry and it shows in her presentation. She brings lots of knowledge from her experience doing the job!
James Bowen

Kathy has lots of energy and you can tell she is very successful and ethical.
Lance Johnson

Kathy is very good at holding the attention of her students and very thorough (wonderful!). She knows her stuff!
Mikki Sanderlin

Excellent presentation of the material. The pace of the class was perfect. Wonderful, lively and explained concepts very well for beginners and experienced alike.
Alice Shackelford

She was very knowledgeable and did a great job explaining the concepts and material.
Jim King

Good speaker with a contagious enthusiasm for her profession.
Barbara Cooksey

Kathy was very nice, extremely knowledgeable and very articulate.
Mathew Cubell

Having spent years as a sales trainer myself, I found Kathy to be knowledgeable, believable and captivating.
James Felds

Kathy is so good that I came back for a refresher course and I learned more than I thought.
Arabela Coble

Most instructors used to originate.
Nancy Burgess

I was pleasantly surprised on the approach of the seminar. What a wonderful experience from start to finish.
Nick Stamatakis

Paul is very entertaining. He has a way of relating the learning experience to our everyday lives as loan officers and makes you think outside of the box.
Susan Bailey

Good job. Paul is passionate about the business and it shows.
John Williams

It is rare to attend a class where the teacher has more knowledge than I do. I found Paul to be informative and helpful and learned a few things as well.
David Maso

Very thorough class. Brushed up on the basics and learned new regulations, laws, etc. that have changed in the past 2 years.
Keri Austin

Paul said at the outset that his goal was to have those of us that already know everything learn at least one more thing. I learned at least 5 new things and was certain I knew it all!
Dawn Harper

Mr. Donohue did an excellent job. He was extremely informative and knowledgeable and at the same time kept the class fun and energetic.
Elaina Duke

Paul is inspiring. My whole staff will be back.
Charles Coberly

Paul was enthusiastic and passionate about doing business the right way.
Kimberly Evans

Wow! What an incredibly powerful speaker. I learned so much and had a great time as well. I will definitely be back for more info from Paul Donohue.
Rachael Cushing

Having Paul Donohue speak was so refreshing and has encouraged me to reach for the stars… Mr. Donohue is very respected and successful in this industry. Who better to learn from?
Christy Lewis

I have been to many, many continuing education courses. Mr. Donohue excelled as an instructor. I have never learned as much.
Maleta Dickerson

The class hits all the main concepts of loan originating as well as the laws and bylaws of North Carolina. Paul was easy to listen to and made the class very enjoyable. I wish my college professors had been that good!
Steve Shetter

Instructors knows the mortgage industry… has many helpful insights into being a successful originator. You will bring away good ideas for success in originating and building a long-term career.
John Vanderschaaf

Excellent presentation with captivating energetic atmosphere. Intense, motivating and packed with useful information. Kudos! Excellent teacher and public speaker.
Toby Grohne

It is finally good to have an instructor who has been in the day-to-day activities of mortgage lending/origination.
Archie S. Raynor, Jr.

Kathy is a great speaker and teacher. She was very educational and I personally benefited greatly and highly enjoyed her class.
Kim Bush

She was very patient and answered all the questions we asked. She also gave me the confidence that I can do this no matter how hard things may seem or be.
Tia Toomer

She was very well spoken and answered all questions without hesitation. That's what it takes to be an instructor.
Heather Dickerson

Kathy has superior presentation skills and tied her real world
Ross Copenhaver

Kathy did a very good job of covering the required materials while still including her real life experience.
Ken King

Kathy made the class interesting, exciting and very informative. A great teacher.
Samuel Lum

Mr. Donohue is full of energy. A wonderful mentor.
Cheree Cardwell

Very nice guy and very inspirational.
Gordon Bartholomew

Paul was a fantastic speaker. He kept it moving so we didn’t' get bored, light so we had a laugh or two and shared a lot of info with us.
R. Wayne Tucker

Excellent explanations and delivery of content. Kept the class interesting with energy, analysis, and testimonials.
Craig Dye

I am leaving today with a greater understanding of my responsibility and opportunity in this business. Everyone needs this!
Amelia Watkins

Very energetic. His enthusiasm for the profession was actually contagious.
Lisa Mumford

His experience is evident and his desire to relay integrity as a professional also evident. Good speaker, very knowledgeable. Good at relaying the meaning of the material.
Donna Burch

Dynamic presentation. A mini boot camp.
Virginia W. Leach 

Very good. Interesting and informative. Has a personal interest in the industry and the success of the participants.
Deryle Gant

I thought I was coming to strictly get information and I left motivated and energized to do better.
Lori Blackwell

Initial thought was how could I take 8 hours of my busy workday to come to a seminar. First time in 10 years that someone has taken the time to stress the real issues in the mortgage industry, instead of just how many loans did we close today. The amou
Kevin Gallimore

It contains vital information for any mortgage professional… Paul is very informative and really knows the business -- would be helpful for all loan officers to attend his class.
Donna Goode

Very comprehensive and flowing. Most true salespeople don't like to sit around -- never felt bored once!! Paul is very informative. Easy style and delivery.
Dave Williams

Dynamic speaker - entertaining and passionate about the mortgage industry.
Karen Zendels

Professional and friendly. The most knowledgeable person I have ever know in this business.
Carrie Boggess

I think everyone in the mortgage industry should take this course.
Rodney L. Morris

The speaker/teacher was very knowledgeable, helpful and entertaining. Pal took what could have been a very long day and made it enjoyable.
Andrew Diwik

The best class of its kind I've ever attended. Time flew by and I learned a wealth of practical and applicable information. I will come to you for all my future instruction. Appreciated your concentration on ethical practices.
Phyllis Leonard

Everyone involved in selling (of any kind) would benefit from this course. Paul was very gracious, very informed and capable of communication.
Linda H. Reep

Mr. Donohue is great at teaching, motivating and really energizes you! By next week I will be at a new level with my career. What an awesome opportunity to meet someone who truly wants to help take you to that next level!
Deborah Lomas

I felt that Kathy was very clear and concise in her lecture. Kathy was very enthusiastic about her profession.
Crystal Pryor

Kathy was really an excellent teacher. She was very knowledgeable and made the class interesting.
Toni Ridge

Excellent, on task, polite, engaging, and she didn't put me to sleep!
John Fitzgerald

Great real life stories to share, lots of wonderful advice. Great code of ethics and customer service ideas.
Sandra Nowlin

A wonderful instructor! Kathy's experience and real life scenarios made the class much more helpful.
Tracy Woodward

I was very impressed with our instructor Kathy. She effectively conveyed her genuine interest in both the consumer and the loan originator.
Arleyne Gainey

Paul does a great job in relating to the audience and brining his niche experience to make the content relevant and lively. Kudos! Paul's ethics dialogue and integrity discussion is worth the price alone. Class moves quickly and is both educational an
Mark Dameron

More detail than I ever received in training at work. He is an edge of your seat educator
Tracy Santana

Great teacher. He has walked the walk; therefore, he can talk and share from experience.
Tamara J. Shultz

No dollar amount can be put to it. Eye opening. Top notch, very informative. As a branch manager, I would suggest that all branch managers take the class to see how well your loan officers are being informed. The materials and the program manual were
Ralph E. Higgs

The best continuing education I have had. The website was not an exaggeration!
Arch Williams

You get to hear a master salesman and no one likes to be sold more than a good salesman. I wish my company had sent me to this before throwing me to the wolves.
Michael Reardon

Paul is an excellent instructor: engaging, yet stays on task. Emphasizes the correct ideas that only a veteran of The Mortgage Wars
John W. Carter, Jr.

One of the most comprehensive and entertaining classes I've taken. Fabulous knowledge! Very entertaining and informative!
Matt McGraw

Paul - I've been in the business for 10 years. I did not think I would gain anything or enjoy your class. I was wrong. You gave me several new perspectives on things I'd heard before. Thank you for your time. You've gotten me excited about my profes
Craig Simpson

I was a go-getter. Now I know the right way!
Peggy Bell

First impression was warm and welcoming and I knew I was going to enjoy the class. Paul was very enthusiastic and kept my attention the whole time. Also I love the tips about selling and doing the right thing and how if you do the right thing you will
Alicia C. Evans

I truly feel helped by this course! I'm new to the industry and swimming in acronyms but the course and instructor were straight forward and easy to understand.
Valerie Laine McClure

Excellent. Would recommend this class to new and experienced people.
Mike Bortz

As a new person to the industry, gaining knowledge and expertise through the experience of a quality trainer is invaluable.
Jerry Thomason

Kathy was fantastic; very upbeat and straightforward. Answered any and all questions.
Kami Pugh

Kathy Godin is very good. She made the 8 hours much easier to sit through!
J. Kevin Sledge

Great. Very energetic, knowledgeable. He has inspired me to create greater goals for my career as an LO.
Mary Zacharias

Paul is a great instructor. He's so enthusiastic you can't help but learn and you want to learn!
Melissa L. Oakes

One word - outstanding!
Rodney Carter

I have been a broker in South Carolina for 7 years. I have been attending continuing education for 7 years and this is the best class I have attended as a mortgage broker!
Charles Elkins

Very professional and no nonsense. Took advantage of every moment.
Donald R. Abbe

Excellent. Kept the class interested at all times. I was dreading having to come to Continuing Education but this was an excellent experience. Very informative.
Donna G. Foglema

Enlightening, knowledgeable, informative and interesting.
Linda D. Pearson

Paul was an incredible instructor. He was energetic and extremely knowledgeable and he truly enjoys this business.
Gregory Latini

Paul combines an excellent mix of great information with humor and motivation. Great job!
Jay Hines

Paul balanced facts, the nuts and bolts of the mortgage process, and anecdotes very well.
Simon Q. Le

His level of pride and professionalism is infectious.
Gary Lowry

Paul is very knowledgeable and gave excellent training tips to help keep good loan officers in the industry providing excellent services to the public for years to come.
Pearl McCawley

Very good teacher. Gets his point across and doesn't mind answering questions.
Tammy Byrum

He really enjoys what he does and it inspired me.
Jacob Collier

Instructor was very informative and interesting. I would highly recommend to new loan officers as well as a good refresher course for seasoned loan officers.
John Linville

Paul Donohue presented the material in a clear and concise manner. The 8 hours just seemed to fly by.
Kim Ferguson

He is an excellent presenter and speaker. I was dreading taking the class but it was great and educational.
Paul S. Taylor

Paul kept my attention by using illustrations. He has great presenter skills and makes info easy to understand. Also, you can tell he has a passion for his business, which is great.
Wanda Bassey

Paul was great and he really has a knowledge of the mortgage industry. I felt he truly wants his students to succeed in this industry.
Thaddeus J. Gray, III

Excellent introduction to an exciting industry and personal opportunity. I wish all seminars kep up this kind of pace, so you feel like your time's not wasted. The right balance of passion, knowledge, pace and humor. Kept on the subject. Not too many
Peter Horeyseck

Thanks for a great presentation. Materials were well prepared and in adequate supply. A professional presentation and I will certainly return for future CE requirements. Paul is very energetic, definitely passionate about the mortgage industry and edu
Kenny Mandakunis

Paul is warm and passionate about teaching those in his class.
Daniel B. Klein

Very energetic, positive attitude. Answered questions thoroughly.
Ryan McKinney

Kathy was great. She knew her stuff and has a great love for the mortgage field.
David Camiletti

You could tell that Kathy really believes in what she does.
Rhonda Bishop

Thoroughly pleased. Truly wish all grandfathered
Stephen W. Leech

Instructor showed a large enthusiasm for the business and believes in what she was doing as a profession.
Rosie Howell

Kathy was great! Her presentation of the material was very professional and thorough, yet easily understandable and relaxed.
Ted Harvey

An extensive amount of material covered effectively in an 8 hour period.
Bob Waite

Very helpful in explaining everything clearly. Nothing was rushed; all was done in a timely manner.
Marcus Gregory

Kathy was very direct and down to earth. Did not talk about participants.
Lillian Forand

Best CE class I ever had! I am a zealot!
Dale M. Holland

Mr. Donohue is the quintessential professional. His knowledge is second only to his ease of presentation and his good nature.
Daron L. Atkins

Well worth my time and money. I understand the mortgage process and what it would take to be a LO.
Stephen A. Miller

Substantive - energetic, interesting presentation.
Ulysses Bell

Mr. Donohue was a superb instructor. I would come to another class if needed.
JoAnn Wall

Mr. Donohue has a passion for the business and wishes to see it gain a better rep than in the past. It's important to Mr. Donohue how we represent ourselves and the business.
Rosalyn Stevenson

Wow, what a way to sail through 8 hours on a Friday. You made me want to stay another 8 hours!
Amy Jordan

In getting back into this business I found Paul Donohue's Fundamentals class to be an outstanding overview and gave me a great foundation to do great in this business. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to succeed in this business.
Jeff Teseniar

I loved the class! My view of the industry is forever changed. Because of you my clients will never have a better loan officer! I have so much respect for Paul's hard line stand on ethical origination. I see why he is so respected and successful.
Kimberly Baucom

He was a great teacher and an excellent motivator and a great speaker.
Jeannie Maria Aery

Mr. Donohue has expertise in his training and I would be honored to take a future CE with him.
Ericka Lynette Flood

All incoming personnel into the mortgage business should attend this as a state requirement. Builds on what I call Dean Smith
Roman Garner III

Paul is a great orator and storyteller. He kept what could have been very boring and made it fun and informative.
Robert Lewis, Jr.

My expectations were surpassed! Great class!
Erol Brown

He was very dynamic and sincere! He kept the class involved and awake because with the type of information one could find themselves sleeping.
Richard L. Meyer

Very informative and entertaining. Paul speaks honestly and generates excitement about the industry.
Justin Mills

Kathy was excellent and extremely professional!
Jim Colangelo

Kathy is very knowledgeable about the mortgage business. She touched on all the issues of processing and answered all questions and made suggestions for making the processing of loans easier.
Terolyn Arrington

Delightful. Kathy presented material with practical experiences and made things easier to understand.
Jennifer Keenan

I thought Kathy was great! She was very knowledgeable and answered questions to the best of her ability.
Kandi Moore

Excellent trainer. Uses info based on past experience.
Paul Batts

I best CE class I have attended. Kathy was wonderful.
Dave Kelley

This was a very comprehensive seminar and an excellent preparation for the exam. It was very well presented as well as interesting. Our instructor, Kathy Godin, was marvelous in her extensive knowledge of her subject and was very complete in her wonder
Debbie T. Perry

It was great. Kathy was precise and straight to the point. She was also very thorough and knows the mortgage business upside down. Great!
Lynn Gibson

Good test preparation with a bonus of practical mortgage 101 ideas. Kathy is an expert. She knows her stuff and presents it all at a comfortable pace for new originators.
Michael Medbury

Kathy made me feel good about choosing this profession because she truly cares about the borrowers. Many loan originators and brokers care about their fees first.
Barbara Harris

Kathy was great! She was able to facilitate information and keep focused on the goal of the class in a timely manner.
Ruth Hammock

Very informative. Great for the seasoned LO as well as the beginner. Invaluable information that is often not taught and kept up-to-date in the workplace.
Jason Gasperson

A great program to help start a career in the mortgage field. Kathy is an expert and conducted herself as such.
Ned L. Richards, Jr.

I am new to the mortgage business, but after this class I feel confident that I will succeed! Thank you Kathy!
Sunshine Kelley

Kathy was a great instructor, very upbeat and informative. She used real life examples and obviously cares about this business.
Ray Taft

I was most impressed with the knowledge of the presenter. Very informative and structured.
Clark Fox

Very good, knowledgeable, informative. Good communicator. Kathy was patient and professional and clearly takes her job seriously and enjoys her profession!
Trina B. Hay

Good to have someone teaching who knows the ropes.
Douglas M. Holloway

Wonderful trainer. She is very intelligent and she answered everything we threw at her.
Tracy Reid

Kathy is exceptional. A perfect personality for quick and precise movement through a mountain of material. Terrific!
Caleb White

Kathy had great knowledge and command of material and the industry. Excellent presenter.
Esther Boone

Kathy is a very experienced speaker. She is a great motivator with good knowledge of the subject matter.
Jason Evans

I was looking to build a foundation of knowledge and I now have it. Kathy was very professional and gave great tips. She explained in terms anyone could understand. Thanks.
Michael N. Farmer

I would recommend this class to anyone looking to enter the field of loan origination. I found Kathy to be very competent in her knowledge of the industry and more important, she's an excellent teacher.
Ryan Munn

I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. I will recommend this class and definitely come back fro my renewal requirements.
Lanita Ellison

Great speaker. Knowledgeable, interesting, dynamic, passionate and very organized.
Dan Stanton

Paul Donohue keeps you excited about continuing your education in this industry!
Renee Bullock

The class does a good job presenting a large amount of information in a short period of time. Paul is a great instructor and speaker. He kept the class moving and my attention.
Greg Keever

Mr. Donohue is a very personable man who gets to know his student and seems to care.
Ann Hughes

Very well done. Paul consolidated days of information into 8 hours and does so with grace. Paul is an energetic, dynamic individual whose knowledge of the industry is unmatched.
Luke Boythe

An investment in successful originating - not only info for passing exam.
Gayle Dean

If you had doubts about the industry and whether or not you fit, this seminar provided the clarity and motivation needed to move forward - with enthusiasm. Not only was the presented knowledgeable -- but enjoyable and personable.
Leisa F. Johnson

This course provides a great foundation for individuals wishing to build a career in the mortgage industry. It is now my turn to expand my new found knowledge. Paul made the information easy to follow, which will make exam preparation easier.
Steve Mahan

This class was a benefit to all levels of students -- from the novice to the seasoned mortgage professional, because Paul gave us the full benefit of his own experiences and ethics. He is an entertaining and dynamic presenter who doesn't hold back.
Karen Lowe

The Real Deal! The most up-to-date techniques, rules and regulations.
Jeff Fancher

Electrically charged to give information on a lifestyle not a career. Gives new meaning to the word dedicated.
Pamela Forshey

I have heard nothing but great things about Paul. He kept the class interesting. It was great. If he's ever looking for an LO I would work for him any day!
Laura Durr

Paul is the best instructor I've had in a long time. He is caring and truly a leader.
William Keith Thomas

Kathy explained the material very well and added some real life examples to the lessons that were very informative.
Adam Tymkin

Kathy knows her material -- not just in theory -- but in practice, which is most important.
Greg Schrader

Very educational. Excellent presenter of materials. Kept my attention in every phase of program.
Sandra Wester

Very informative. Casual atmosphere. On schedule but also time for questions. Great tips for success. Excellent instructor. Appreciate personal comments on experience.
Len P. Warren

Easy to follow instruction. It was nice to have things put in layman's terms.
Mike Nabors

Very professional and informative. Very knowledgeable and warm presentation. Very pleased with time spent.
Debbie Howell

Excellent speaker. Very thorough with materials. Warm and caring presence. Makes extra effort to offer one-on-one explanations of issues.
Billy Yeargin

Good presentation demeanor; very knowledgeable; good real world examples.
James Crittenden

Not having any prior experience being a loan officer, I feel very prepared to begin having taken this course. Kathy was fantastic. She was very easy to follow and so patient with those of us with limited knowledge and experience.
Krishna Scott

This course gave me the confidence I needed to feel like I can be successful in this career. Kathy was the best instructor I've had in attending classes like this. She kept me interested and she knew her material perfectly.
Wendy Heath

She was great. I would be exhausted!
Jayme Brooks

I feel pretty confident that I have been given the tools and instruction necessary for complete the test successfully. Kathy Godin came across as highly knowledgeable and showed great patience with our questions and comments. I would love to have her o
Scott P. McGinnis

Very energetic and gave a positive outlook in a career in this field.
Anne M. Mason

The instructor was excellent. Spoke precisely and presented materials clearly. She was absolutely wonderful.
Jennifer Malafronte

Kathy's knowledge was astounding; very impressed.
Jennifer Modlin

Excellent time management to present material in a flowing manner. Kathy was great and her love of the industry shows. Her care of customers reflects in her teaching style of making friends.
William Keith Thomas

The best class for the most information. This class provides you with all the utensils to become a successful LO.
Anterio Kittrell

Kathy was very attentive, answered all questions quickly and very comprehensively. She made us feel like all questions were important.
Thomas E. Gaston, Jr.

Very informative and easy to follow. Kathy was very upbeat and pleasant. I enjoyed the class.
James W. Knox, II

She taught extremely well. I was very impressed and felt as though I got more for my money.
Tasha A. Leclair

Kathy was very precise and made sure everyone understood each section that was covered before moving to the next. Professional and caring.
Jora Thompson

Outstanding time management. Kept the class moving. Covered a lot in a small amount of time.
Paul Mikeal

Notebook is very helpful. A great base for newcomers. Kathy is very knowledgeable and gave great examples.
Stacie Hughes

Very informative. Tied everything together. Gave order to the process. Kathy is very knowledgeable and clear. Held attention.
Ginny Collins

Very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Kept on task and gave plenty of examples.
Cally Parke

Kathy is a very smart and knowledgeable person. She is awesome!
George Hunter

She was very nice and a great instructor. Detailed oriented and informative.
Nijarie Linder

The presentation was very concise and easily understood. She was awesome. Very knowledgeable and informed.
Debbie Stewart

It made me excited to start working in this field. Easy to understand and the instructor was patient. She calmed my nerves and helped me comprehend the laws and math.
Melissa Lukoskie

Extremely comprehensive and easy to follow. I feel it was well worth my time and money to attend. Kathy did a great job and made the class interesting.
Marty Bowers

As someone who has held licenses and taken classes in other states, this was the first class that I have attended that had a real correlation to the mortgage business.
Dan Flint

I thought it was an important class that laid the foundation for professionalism.
Patrick Harpring

I wish I would have gone through the course when I first started 6 months ago. Even if you have been an LO for 5 years you would still gain from this information.
Bryce Dillard

Kathy is very professional and effective in helping students absorb the material.
Erik Austin

The most I've ever learned in 8 hours. Kathy is very passionate about her industry. She is dedicated to making sure we learn all we can in the time allotted.
Joel Wallace

Kathy is very upbeat and personal. She makes the material seem very simple. I did not feel overwhelmed with all the information she had to present.
Michelle Martin

What a deal! One fee for book, online class and ability to sit in classes in the future.
Dorie V. Fallon

I left with a great boost to my confidence and a much greater understanding of a complicated industry! Even a novice like myself learned so much. If you already have an understanding, this class could be a real asset as a short in the arm.
Pam Baker

This was an excellent introduction into the world of mortgage loan origination. Not only do I now know the tenets of the mortgage industry, I know how to properly apply them. Excellent overall package with the right ideas.
Scott McGrath

Paul is a great speaker who really knows the business and knows how to talk to people.
Kenneth Phillips

Very energetic and charismatic speaking. Informative, riddled with real examples that drive a point home.
Katherine Weeks

It is easy to learn when the instructor is confident, knowledgeable and professional. My instructor is all of those things. Thank you!
Tonya McCray

I found it to be very informative, even with years of processing experience. Kathy's background in the business, her character, her people skills -- these are just some assets that are great.
Corina McLaughlin

The instructor was highly qualified. She knows her business and obviously cares to make certain that everyone in her class is successful.
John Ervin

The classroom and the online course training were very good. I walked away with a better understanding of the loan origination process and the ethics needed to succeed.
Michael W. Hardister

Paul keeps your attention and makes the comprehensive material very interesting and enjoyable! This course gets you excited about help other people live out their dreams.
Logan Moon

I feel much better about my knowledge of the industry after sitting for the class. His enthusiasm is contagious!
Jeff Cupstid

Definitely the ethical choice for learning. The most value of any class I have taken. I can honestly trust what Paul taught. I left confident. I will be back.
Michael W. Alvarez

At first I thought the class was very expensive but this was the best time and money I have ever spent on any class. Paul has such an immense passion for helping others learn the ethical approach to conducting business. He has a true desire to help his
Janet Fortenbery

Class not only prepares you for the exam but promotes good practices and techniques for success.
Laura Huggins

Kathy was great. Gave important highlights and explained information in a way that was easy for me to retain.
Kim Adams

Well spoken. Knows her subject. Not a class moment wasted!
Jaquelyn Woodroffe

Very personable, down to earth and a joy to listen to.
Jon Stevenson

Very inspiring and motivating instructor whose love for the industry shines through.
Dale Speicher

The class pays for itself. Kathy was wonderful. She knows when and how to use examples to keep my attention.
George E. Jones, Jr.

I think the details of the business have just been laid out on the table the best way they could be…I'm glad I picked this class. Kathy is very down to earth and made you feel like a partner in business -- not a student in a class which was very importa
Victoria Valdez

Wonderful presentation given in a very professional manner. Very informative and inspirational.
Brenda D. Walker

Kathy is personable, receptive and learner centered. You are right on the money.
D.K. Gatabaki

The class was well planned and organized. Great information and I would recommend the class to all new loan officers. Paul knows his stuff and after attending his class, I feel better prepared to succeed in my career.
Jeff Parris

Paul is very professional and personable without being overdone.
Jill Renegan

Paul is direct to the point, patient with novices. Active and expressive in presentation.
Kris Serfess

Paul does in one day what it takes other programs three. This one is truly worth the fee.
Patrick D. Morris

Paul is great! He loves the business and most importantly the people he helps.
Tonya Corum

The class was very educational and I appreciate your stressing the ethical behavior that should be performed by all professionals of any business. Thank you for all the valuable info this class has provided to help in achieving my personal/career goals.
Corinna Gregory

The most knowledgeable instructor in North Carolina.
Bryan Sutherland

Paul illuminates the room with his knowledge, enthusiasm, and obvious dedication to the role of financial advisor, as well as mortgage broker.
Kevin G. Whitehead

Teaches you knowledge of the industry -- not just the test to pass. Great ethics. Energizing, excellent speaker.
Larry E. Newton, Jr.

Holds the attention of the class. Very upbeat. Keeps the students involved.
Jared Bailey

Entertaining, use of practical knowledge for originating. I was able to stay focused and learned quite a bit.
Shannon Brown

Paul kept it interesting and lively. Good for a long class! Not only informative and required, but interesting.
James Ciliberto

The seminar was very exciting. I enjoyed it and feel very comfortable with the info I was given. Thanks for your time and knowledge.
Cyrstal Ward

Paul showed great energy and enthusiasm in his presentation. He kept me interested and hanging on the edge for his next anecdote. Thanks for a good class!!
Bill Rice

Being a veteran
Carol Lynn Upshaw

Paul Donohue is an inspirational speaker. I am blessed that he was my teacher. He relieved a lot of stress and made me feel as if there is no way I can fail the exam.
Christina Wallace

Everything is the best. Very professionally taught.
Michael Wells

This course gives a sound basis for conducting business -- from regulations to ethics. A great experience. Paul is a dynamic speaker who obviously knows the business inside out.
Linda Schifferle

Thorough, fun and stimulating.
Ray L. Patterson, II

Very professional. Kept your attention while covering a great deal of material. Good examples and analogies.
Paul Luby

Paul is very dynamic and enthusiastic about his profession. I was impressed with his ability to sustain it throughout the entire class.
Suzanne Quinn

Donohue + You = Success.
Cindy Mullis

Paul cares about and is excited about the mortgage industry and it shows.
M. Bordner

I came in to class not knowing anything and when I left in the afternoon I felt I knew what I was doing. The last test of the day I did great.
Helen Cabrera

I would recommend this class to other mortgage professionals because I really believe that this class gets you ready to take the test.
Wilbert Barringer

I love Paul! He is the only person who can actually hold my attention! He is so passionate and enthusiastic about making money -- the ethical way. He keeps you on the edge of your seat and makes you eager to leave and go make more money.
Kathy Dey

Facilitator held my interest. He is an excellent instructor. Thank you!
Kim McKiernan

Made a long day exciting and fun!
Becky Smith

Quick, easy and fun to learn. A Mortgage Philanthropist.
Lagier Gaddy

Content was excellent and the course was professional.
Stan Roman

This class was very informative and Kathy held my attention all day even though I was up at 4:00 a.m. to travel here. I learned more in this short time than I could have learned in 6 months by myself. She is a true teacher.
Charles Knowles

Kathy was the greatest I have had ever.
Neveria C. Glover

Very comprehensive material; excellent presenter.
Susan Phillips

Excellent class with teacher that is very knowledgeable and a good speaker.
Jamie Styron

She was very informative and up-to-date on the latest information.
Sandra Nelson

I thought it was great! I was recommended to use Paul Donohue's services and I will continue to use and refer out. Kathy was warm, intelligent and informative. A 10!
Tracy Smith

The instructor helped to give real life
Ashley Weninger

I'm leaving with a wonderful impression. The speaker was knowledgeable and kept the flow going and interesting. Kathy took time to make sure we were with her and that the info was sinking in and that all questions or concerns were addresses before movi
Margaret Bailey

You receive a wealth of knowledge in a short period of time along with enforcing ethics as being the main key to success.
Sydney Pennix

Extremely polished, very versed and personable.
Kyle Payne

Paul has a passion for teaching.
Matthew K. Drexler

Paul is very energetic and loves what he does.
Erlena Sheets

Paul keeps it simple and keeps you alert. He's outstanding.
Anthony Woods

The knowledge and experience of the instructor makes it easier for him to explain to the brand new people coming into the industry. His excitement keeps them and oldies excited.
Tracy W. Mooney

Heard many wonderful comments about this class before attending and was not disappointed. Very professional and great upbeat class.
Windy Hartman

Because it is very informative and the teacher has been in the business for 17 years people can benefit from his expertise. Excellent knowledge, exciting, fun and a good ethical human being.
Lamont Norman

Great! Appreciate the concentration on ethics and emphasis on great customer service. Informative, but still kept class interesting and alive!
C. Shane Dukes

Very organized, straight forward. Very positive and enthusiastic!
Heather Clark

Great instructor! Paul was very class oriented and friendly.
Richard Williams

Paul is awesome. Extremely motivated, to the point, and believes in his work.
Stephanie L. Steiner

The real value of this course is that Paul has been in the trenches and understands the importance of excellent customer service, building strong relationships and ethics. I'm glad to hear from an experienced professional how to really perceive myself a
Catherine L. Haynes

He does not go straight from the book. He also gives his experience with the information.
Tina Williams

I like your easy familial style. It places everyone at east. Also appreciate your love of teaching.
Bill Metcalfe 

The best state required licensing class. Combines information with real world professional knowledge.
Denny Trousdale

I think this was a wonderful class. Very informative. I liked the fact that Paul teaches something he's passionate about. I loved his energy and passion about the mortgage business. This was a great experience and a great class and learning tool.
Jennifer Sawyer

A lot of info to take in but was put in easy to understand terms/scenarios. It takes the general ideas and concepts of the business and wraps it all into one package.
Ericka Riordan

Knowledge is a major key to success. This class was very informative. Paul made the class very exciting. He is a very good speaker with the experience in the field to relate to the training material.
Pamela Prevatt

A class well worth the time you put into it. Instructor is a well trained professional who is exciting and keeps you interested throughout class.
Angela Green

Paul keeps the class interesting and informative. I have been in the business for 17 years and realize that continuing education includes going back to the basics.
Ivey Boothe

Honestly, I thought Paul was great. Not dull and kept the class moving nicely.
Lynn S. Jones

Keep using your keys of success. I learned the proper way to originate a loan and sleep at night. Great!
Brad Douglas

I liked Paul's passion for the mortgage business. He is obviously doing things the right way and left a strong impression to be ethical and offer more value to our customers. This class offers a good foundation to get started if new in the business.
Jim Young

Fast paced program that sharpens personal skills as well providing must have
Chuck Walden

Moves quickly. Good law
Lynn Mitchell

Critical to the survival of our industry is the emphasis placed on ethical behavior of a professional.
Mark Grissom

A must class to take. Can strengthen loan officer knowledge for their career.
David Broadnax

His heartfelt desire to teach new loan officers how to do the right thing
A.B. Blevins

Very alert minded with the attention to staying focused. The time flew by. Paul is great in keeping you interested. You can also apply what you learn in your day-to-day operations. Thanks Paul!
Brian T. Cook

He was personable and exciting. Very informative.
Jason Bleiberc

Very informative. Packed with info needed in all aspects of this business.
Maxine B. McKinney

Paul Donohue left me with the feeling that this industry is one that can provide a service to fulfill people's dreams. I now feel that I made the right decision in choosing this career.
Roseann Price

I highly recommend that anyone interested in starting a career in lending take Paul Donohue's class. The section on ethics is especially vital.
Michael Thomson

He definitely knows his stuff. You learn a lot about the industry, plus it has an impact on your career decision. I really like the fact you put the course online which helps us to study.
Angela McMickle

You not only are effective, but you have real passion for what you do. Paul teaches with enthusiasm and integrity.
Gail Martinique

Paul is upbeat, clear and concise in his presentation. His passion of the business is very evident in his presentation.
Robert M. Padula

Paul seems very interested in helping you to succeed while also raising the industry's standards to the most professional level. It offers great ideas for increasing your business and refreshing your knowledge.
Laura Patterson

I found this course to be informative, organized and inspirational. Paul is knowledgeable, interesting to listen to and attuned to the needs of the listeners.
David Turner

Thorough - energetic. Well worth the investment. Paul has a gift of keeping you engaged! Great teacher.
Charles Moretz

I am not just putting a perfect score down for the sake of using ink. It was great. If all my college courses were half as informative and well taught I would have maintained a 4.0.
Roderick Scott

This is one of the most, if not THE most, professionally presented programs I have attended. The content was exceptionally informative and presented in a clear and concise manner. I would highly recommend this class.
Travis L. Roberts

Very motivating! I'm ready to get started!
G. Wayne Starnes, Jr.

Very informative. Prepares you for the test plus tips on how to succeed in the business.
Roy Wallace

Paul's knowledge and passion for doing what's right inspires me to always consider what is best for my customer. This class encouraged, inspired and challenged all to believe that what we do now can and will change peoples' lives forever. Standards abo
Fletcher MacDonald

Taught with true passion for the profession and people in general. One of the most service oriented
Jewell S. Penn

The class plus the website info is a great combination.
Marchelle Smith

Excellent presentation with a commanding knowledge of the material. The day went fast!
Charles Pastros

This class provided me with the knowledge of this field to allow me the confidence required to be motivated and the desire to achieve my goals that have been set before me. Thank you Paul for being interesting and animated enough to keep me awake and in
Rebecca Crowe

Paul makes learning very easy to understand. Does not talk over your head so he is very easy to relate to.
Ron Lawrence

Crisp, concise and complete introduction to the mortgage industry.
Jim Edwards

It was very clear with the basic concepts of originating loans. I appreciate Paul's business guidelines and convictions to ethical practices.
Paul Speed

Very detailed and for someone with just a little knowledge like myself, I am leaving feeling like I am comfortable with real estate loans.
George Wilson

Paul was personable and very understanding. Gave great info and made it easy to comprehend.
Erik Williams

I learned a lot today and am more excited now about becoming a LO than ever before. Paul takes the time to be sure every person in class gets it.
Elizabeth Marone

I would recommend to anyone getting in the business.
Rodney Davis

Very informative and not boring like I thought. I have seen Paul on a few other occasions and am very pleased with the presentations.
Adam Bolden

Paul is great. I will attend his classes in the future.
Jasmin Arzon

I was expecting a long boring 8 hour class -- got the exact opposite. Very happy. Thank you.
Daniel Barborich

This was the first time I was exposed to in-depth mortgage learning and I feel like I could successfully go out and do an excellent job in my new career. Paul is full of tremendous energy and he makes 8 hours of information feel like 8 hours of fun.
Jeff Bonniwell

This class gave me maximum info in minimum time. Paul is a very warm, caring person. I believe he practices in the loan
Gail Wills

You provided very well organized and comprehensive content. I feel very well informed about the fundamentals of the mortgage origination process. Mr. Donohue is an extremely articulate speaker and top-flight educator who presents a view toward the big
Harold W. Arnn, II

Kathy taught how to do things the right way.
Matthew Reed

It is fabulous to have a class that actually teaches about affordability not just qualifying. I paid more to attend a class I felt cared about ethics. Thanks.
Kathy Hannam

I wish more people would have access to your class. It was truly beneficial. Paul was fantastic. I have never enjoyed an 8 hour seminar as much as this. He is energetic and his enthusiasm and passion is evident when he speaks.
Charles Wentz

Paul did an incredible job teaching.
Hamid Rabiipour

Top quality presentation. Mr. Donohue's presentation was phenomenal. Personality, sincerity, drive, determination, sense of humor, knowledge, professionalism. All above reproach!
Faye Garrison

I loved it -- especially your stories. Adds a lot of warmth. Wonderful way to personalize the class. I feel good about the real message of the class. Treat every deal with truth, honesty and respect. I can tell Paul loves what he does -- it shines t
Ruth Ann Smith

I would recommend that anybody that is serious about this business to come. Everything was great. Paul is professional and has passion for this business.
Christopher Lee Lotsey

The class was awesome. For a new person to the industry it gives me a great start. Paul's knowledge of the industry is incredible and his ability to teach the principles makes learning easy.
Sean O'Brien

I came in here knowing nothing and am leaving with a better outlook not only on mortgage but my work ethic in general. Thank you!
Jennifer M. Lakner

An excellent class with a dynamic instructor who clearly loves his work.
Dick Clark

You need to let people know that they are in for a fun, dynamic experience.
Leslie Loveless

Excellent knowledge and presentation. It was in a very understandable format.
Max R. Rudminat

Very upbeat and informative. Awesome instructor. Not like all those boring classes my colleagues took.
Mia Traugott

This course was an excellent introduction to the industry, with both theory and practical applications covered thoroughly. Kathy is a fantastic teacher who obviously knows her stuff and is excited about it. She is incredibly helpful and encouraging and
Will Stufflebeam

Kathy was probably the best instructor I have had for any of the mortgage classes I have taken over the past 5 years. Very organized.
Trish Fecker

I can very well say that Kathy has a passion for the mortgage field. She is an excellent teacher.
Darryl Darryl

Very professional and gracious. Kathy is a warm person who really cares for others.
Chris Marshburn

Instructor was very knowledgeable and had the ability to teach well. She gave great personal examples.
Joan Lockett

I have been in the business for a while and still learned a great deal of info!
Roger Jennings

Excellent delivery, good at breaking the concepts down. Stayed on task and available for questions.
Luke Smith

Experienced, knowledgeable. Gets points across simply and directly.
Peter Stollmack

This class has given me a jump start to a new career. Kathy did a fantastic job. I was impressed by her depth of knowledge.
Victoria Schultz

Paul teaches very thoroughly. I absorbed a lot of information -- enough to prepare me for my career ahead.
Andy Thompson

Dynamic and informative. Great audience participation. Very comprehensive.
Keith Richards

No bull. Just the information that is vital. I liked that. Paul knows his stuff and keeps you in tune with what you need to know.
Keith Hallman

Paul makes an 8 hour requirement enjoyable and rewarding.
Scott B. Desch

I've been a banker for 11 years. It's amazing what you can learn from Paul's class in just eight hours. I highly recommend this course to mortgage veterans in need of a tune up.
David Zugheri

It was great! Loved the tips and tricks that were thrown in with the class material.
Tracey Minnich

The instructor was honest, friendly, and patient and listened to us and answered questions quickly and easily.
Johnna Lewis

Kathy was very professional and knowledgeable. She understood the material and presented it in a very professional manner. Great job.
Charles Robinson

The teacher was helpful, willing and available throughout the entire class day.
Emilio Montes de Oca, Jr.

The instructor is very professional and knowledgeable, plus she is very helpful and a good presenter.
Dean Nguyen

Kathy put us at ease using layman's terms
Vickie Borg

From the first call made to PDP, everything was perfect - Emails, access to web, training materials before class and Kathy!
John A. McCade

The instructor was very professional, exuberant and knowledgeable. Anyone, whether a processor, underwriter, originator, or whatever, can only benefit by learning as much about the industry as possible.
John A. Bakes

Kathy was phenomenal. Although she stressed the importance of getting all of this material in in 8 hours
Steve Salvato

The instructor was very educated, thorough, caring about the job and success of students.
Sharon Kudron

Instructor is very knowledgeable, honest, energetic and truthful!
Derrick Ward, Sr.

Great energy. Truly a real down-to-earth
David Voigt

Paul was a great instructor and Joy was helpful with the calculator.
Jennifer Woodrum

Paul has great professional and ethical expertise. I would love to work with someone like him.
Rene Roberson

I just want to say that you really made it fun. I thought it would be boring.
Tiffany Riffle

Made mde feel so excited to be entering a profession where I could really make a positive impact on people's lives and mine at the same time!
Lisa E. Kelley

I have been a processor for 4 years and the instructor taught me a lot that I have always had questions about in reference to the loan officer side.
Christy Wilson

Not only did you teach what was needed for the test, but what is needed for your career. Very motivational! To the point!
Jonathan Cox

I was very pleased with the website. That is the main reason I chose this class.
Wade D. Radtke

It was great. It made me remember a lot of stuff I had forgotten and learned a lot of new sales pitches.
Shelen T. Connell

Great inspirational speaker.
Tony Chung

Very thorough, informative and motivational!
Glenda Popwell

Like focus on value creation.
John Monson

Paul has a wealth of knowledge, not just on NC state laws but in the mortgage loan process.
Raymond Grant

Loved him! Smart guy. Very helpful. Learned so much!
Nisha A. Carruth

Thought it was great. Paul was excellent. Was extremely organized and professional. Thumbs up!!
Eileen Austin

Informative. Paul is very experienced and gave us more than the course (practical applications).
Kathy May

Kathy is very informative and helpful and is willing to go extra to make sure we understand.
Annette Dent

Kathy is great! A wonderful teacher and easy to understand.
Patricia Rongotes

Very well organized and materials were professionally done. Comprehensive and additional online materials add value to cost.
Paul T. Wentworth

Ms. Godin did an excellent job of combining the facts with real world experience.
Annette Somerville

Very knowledgeable in her field. She took the time to really explain concepts and waited for everyone to understand them.
Cheryl Tilly

I feel that this course has motivated me to go full steam ahead
Joshua Jackson

This is a great refresher class for anyone that is already in the industry and for anyone just beginning.
Monica Fliegel

Excellent materials presented by very knowledgeable instructor.
Jack Hemer

I felt like there was a sincere desire for the students to learn and succeed.
James A. Braswell, Jr.

Very personable, knowledgeable and professional appearance. Appeals to experienced as well as newcomers in the industry.
Janice Pollock

Kathy is thorough, interesting, and her confidence shows through her teaching.
Cathy Duquette

Kathy presented an excellent seminar and I highly recommend her for other training seminars.
Melanie Perkins

Good class, good class administration, good format, good control.
Gregory Johnson

The manual is very informative as well as the speaker. The info is broken down to an understandable level.
Eric Moore

I was surprised that Paul actually taught the class. I was expecting someone from his firm. It felt personal knowing he was there!
Lucretia Lipscomb

Paul is very energetic and entertaining and makes learning easy and enjoyable.
Jim Romano

Paul is highly energetic and entertaining and manages the material and time efficiently. He puts entertainment value into information that can be tedious.
Glad Douse

Paul kept the class moving and I was never bored. The 8 hours did go by very fast. I would recommend this class to anyone.
Clay Bedingfield

Keep up the good work. Your energy and level of expertise was great!
Tana Smith

Course was thorough and presenter was knowledgeable and brought good, real life experience to the table. Kathy was very professional, experienced and easy to follow.
Patrick Allen Loyd

Excellent presentation skills, good content, real life examples. Kathy is very personable and willing to discuss questions during breaks, which helped me to move onto the next subject. Very approachable and knowledgeable.
Julia Jessamy-Holmes

Kathy is very professional and knowledgeable. She appears dedicated to training skilled, ethical professionals in the field.
Larry Honeycutt

The class was presented in an effective manner and was very insightful. Kathy was professional, real, and offered sound knowledge in what it makes to be an effective worker in the mortgage business.
David Vargas III

I strongly believe in taking the time out to educate yourself about ongoing trends and changes in federal and state regulations. Kathy is a long time industry professional who loves this business.
Alex Telchman

The course was very well planned and covered the basics perfect! Kathy was super! Very easy to listen to and understand! All personnel in this industry need to know what is taught in this course.
Christina Scaldaferri

This was wonderful and everyone I talked to recommended Paul and it was worth way more than $225.00.
Cheryl O'Donnell

Patient instructors ready to work with people who have little experience.
Angela Gilmer

I appreciated that she stressed relationship and trust as keys to this industry.
Alyson Bosworth

Kathy rocks! Excellent format and instructor was very interesting.
Lynne McClean

My wife and I have 16 years and over one billion dollars or combined industry experience and we learned a lot! You'll see us (and our employees) again!
Alex Robertson

Re-kindled my passion for the business. Reminded me that it is fun. We are dream makers! Paul motivates you to be the best. He captures the true meaning of being successful in the mortgage business.
Erich Haskell

I have owned my own mortgage company for 3 years and I was shocked at the knowledge I picked up that I didn't know. Paul did a wonderful job of illuminating not only the material, but the importance of ethical behavior for a long term place in the mortg
Craig Thigpen

Gave an excellent overview of what you will need to know for the exam as well as in practice.
Doug Thompson

Instructor made me feel very motivated, energized, and secure about my career change.
Raphael Schiavone

The session is more than just passing the information academically. Paul is so very intelligent and nice in teaching practical stuff and educating!!! Just fabulous! Outstanding and excellent.
Latha Krishnaswamy

I felt that your overall knowledge and energy in teaching were great. It gets me very excited about changing careers.
Seth Goodrum

Paul's first hand knowledge and experience is invaluable.
David Gierasch

Very good presentation. Great link to sales strategies and education.
Clay Brown

Wonderful class. Will use each and every day. Just talk to the guy -- he's incredible!
Christian Bowles

Fabulous! Paul's enthusiasm for the mortgage business is evident in his presentation skills and knowledge.
Mike Sudermann

I stayed awake through the entire class, and that's a testimony to the excitement of the class because I only slept 4 hours last night. Kathy will make you love your chosen profession. She makes the time fly by with her stories and information.
Rhonda Gail Hunt

The information is very valuable and I learned many concepts. The class was also a great refresher on some concepts I already knew. Kathy was wonderful! Very upbeat and seemed to enjoy what she was teaching us.
Brooke McKeel

Covered material extensively and clearly. A good refresher and valuable exercises regarding amortization schedules and other things we tend to rely on our computers for.
Bob Blank

Very professional and greatly organized. Mrs. Godin was an excellent teacher and communicator of ideas; very helpful in teaching concepts clearly.
Galen Hyde

Excellent course. Very happy I chose Paul Donohue.
Larry Charns

The instructor had a very easy going manner and made the concepts easy to understand. Very good sales person and good communicator.
William A. Brown

Kathy was great, friendly, enthusiastic, honest and helpful.
Dave Dvorin

She had great stories that I could relate to and that I could share with my clients.
Kelli Bennett

Mr. Donohue really gets you excited about being in the business. Even with 4 years experience, he can re-motivate you.
Melissa Campbell

He kept the attention of the students and gave great ideas on keeping and producing new business.
Randall Kent Davis

The training was very informative and seasoned with the essentials of ethics, integrity and motivation. Paul Donohue's artful presentation of the mastered essentials serves to educate and motivate all.
Jim Pate

The class was very informative and was a great beginning to starting my career as a loan officer.
Jenny Starnes

Class was very informative. Could not have learned more in an entire semester of college. It's good to see that ethics is so important in this business. Paul is grrrrrrrreat! Kept my attention and was not at all as grueling as it could have been.
Kelly Utt

Paul did a great job of fitting 24 hours worth of material into 8 hours. He has lived it all the mortgage business and displays it well.
David Stone

It is obvious Paul is truly an expert in this business and he is a people person that truly cares about the individual! Successful as he is, still brings himself where you are - at your level - yet gives you strength and strategy to reach for the stars.
Katie Marie Splichal

The entire seminar was very informative. I have processed for numerous years and I was kept very involved with the instructor.
Crystal Mclelland

Really transmits a passion for the mortgage business as a way to help yourself by helping others.
Joe Newbold

Not your typical mortgage broker. Very upbeat and knowledgeable.
Gary Marshall

Class was presented in a straightforward yet original manner that made it very easy to learn. Paul made sure he articulated and animated the pertinent points. I don't feel that he taught the test
Gregg D. Longworth

Energetic, fun, very smart, knows material well. Would like to work for him or someone with his business beliefs if possible.
David Hatcher

Everyone at my work has attended Paul's classes. He lives up to his reputation.
Cheryl Hamby

After closing numerous loans and not being able to explain APR on a loan, I heard the best explanation from Mr. Donohue.
Charles S. Good

An excellent class that everyone should take! Paul is an engaging, knowledgeable instructor.
Bobby L. Dewrell

Kathy was a fabulous presenter and trainer. Her experience makes her credible. Her presence makes her enjoyable.
April Young

I feel the content, instruction and format was very well planned and the class was easy to follow.
James Wills

I felt Kathy did a great job and presented the information in an upbeat and pleasant environment.
James Reich

Kathy Godin is an excellent teacher. I was very impressed.
Evelyn Critzen

Very well spoken and easily understood. Class was very well paced and Kathy kept it on schedule with little interruptions while still ensuring the understanding of the class.
Andrew Green

Kathy is excellent. She is detailed and very well organized.
Terry Gavin

Kathy is very good, easy to understand and keeps your attention well in a long class.
Bonnie Thompson

I felt Kathy was very knowledgeable with a genuine passion for helping people.
James Williamson

Kathy was excellent. She communicates well and is very knowledgeable. She certainly does a great job.
John A. McClendon II

I thought that 8 hours of CE would be drab but Kathy was extremely interesting. She is energetic and extremely knowledgeable in this field.
Beth Cook

Kathy was very engaging. For an 8 hour class, I was surprised at the level of energy throughout the seminar and at my own level of attention and alertness. Not a boring minute.
Jenifer Currie

The day was very thorough and informative. All the information was easily understood. The instructor has great communication skills and explains well.
Lauren Reiter

The instructor was good at giving real life examples. Very knowledgeable and professional.
John A. Summey

The instructor was very good at communicating the material in an easy to understand way.
Todd Bernier

Kathy was great. Easy to understand and very helpful.
Dennis Leahy

The best way to get off on the right foot.
Kevin G. Lee

She is great and very helpful and patient.
Zelda Thomas

Very wise and enthusiastic man. Technique and knowledge were superior. Excellent concept conveyer.
Luke Mercadante

Paul was able to humanize and effectively communicate the intricacies and layers of Federal and State (NC) guidelines. He was terrific and was able to hold my interest for the full 8 hours.
Jeff Drubych

Energetic! Kept classes' attention while covering vast amount of information very quickly. Exciting, funny, energetic and knowledgeable.
Kyle Wilm

I learned a great deal about the customer's rights, NC law and many sales techniques that will help me in the future.
Adam Reiss

Paul Donohue's personal experiences make the class worth it alone!
Paul Sturges

Excellent presentation. Well organize, thought out with both practical and theoretical benefit.
Brian Davis

Well prepared! Lots of insight from her own successful practice that you can use to be successful in your practice!
William A. Davis

Very well organized and geared toward helping us be successful as well as passing the exam.
Janice Coburn

The instructor was really great in breaking down the information into everyday language. Also provided real time examples.
Vonetta Tyson

She was an excellent instructor and stayed very focused.
Kim Breed

Very knowledgeable; her experience is very beneficial and comes through when answering questions from the floor.
Mark Tau

Kathy is a wonderful instructor with a lot of hands-on experience. She isn't reading from the book. She is living it each day as her profession. She is awesome and is willing to take extra time to make sure you get it!
Wendy Bodnar

Kathy is easy to understand, gives frequent breaks to keep attention up. People can ask questions and put them in the escrow account
Karen Sealock

Very thorough. I liked the part about ethics as well, not something very common in business training these days. Paul Donohue is a master instructor. I would definitely recommend his class to everyone in the biz.
Jon Elliott

Outstanding presentation. Paul paints a broad brush picture of this challenging and rewarding business.
David Hundley

Paul displayed a tremendous knowledge, understanding and passion for this career. Showed and impressed a high level of integrity.
Daniel Kanfoush

This has been my first exposure to the mortgage industry and has been an extremely valuable one to me.
Jennifer Griffith

Very personable. I felt relaxed and welcomed the info he presented. He was energetic and informative without being annoying.
Pam Caldwell

Mr. Donohue's energy is motivation in itself to strive for higher goals than I thought I could shoot for. The level of enthusiasm and talk on ethics and keeping the customers goals in mind will help keep this industry more professional.
Jerry Zibell

Great groundbreaking. Gives cause for interest in self-study.
James B. Flower, Sr.

He talks the talk because he has walked the walk.
Kimberly Mason

I believe each and every one of us could benefit from this class. Paul has an energy that shows his passion and love of this business.
Ginna Campbell

This has given me the confidence I need to pass the state exam. Mr. Donohue brings his expertise to the table so you can benefit and profit ethically, smartly and utilize your combined knowledge for the good of all.
Laurie L. Wilde

Great energy in the presentation. Paul has been able to tie in real life experiences into the course, giving it more value.
John Yanni

Really simplified the terms and concepts and made them easy to understand. It was worth the drive from Raleigh. I felt I learned a lot, not just about mortgage laws and terms but sales and customer service in general.
Jason Harris

Just as my afternoon fatigue slipped in Paul woke me with a great laugh. Informative and fun. Thanks!
Michele Sweitzer

I've always been afraid of standardized tests, but Mr. Donohue made it so easy to understand and comprehend that I'm excited about testing because my confidence level is high.
Sonia Moorman

I never thought I could sit and pay attention that long. Paul really seems to care about his students and whether or not they are enjoying his class.
Brittany Roberts

Brings all the material together in a cohesive manner. Motivation, knowledgeable, energetic and very enthusiastic.
Aima P. Johnson

I have been in the business for 6 years and feel the material was presented in an enjoyable format. The instructor was motivated, informed and entertaining.
Don Carroll

Great speaker; reaches out and demands your attention.
Dennis Bouchillon

This course gives you more than compliance with federal and state law. It gives you a clear and concise overview of the profession, not just theory. The instructor is very knowledgeable and uplifting.
Oscar Ferguson

His love of the mortgage industry is very inspiring.
Sheldon Schreiber

Paul did a great job going over all information. I particularly enjoyed his personal stories about how he overcame situations within the business.
Bryan Schach

Wonderful Job! You were great at breaking down very complex material into understandable chunks of info for us to build on.
Christina Martin

I have been to many seminars trying to stay awake. Paul's passion and depth of knowledge incited an enthusiasm for my new career.
Bill White

The professionalism in which it was presented was encouraging to beginners as well as more experienced individuals.
Isabelle Razzand

I feel that I have received a part of the mortgage business I couldn't get anywhere. Questions I had were answered here that hadn't been answered before. A powerful presenter.
Darryl S. Rodgers

Very professional and informative. Taught by someone who is experienced and successful - not just someone teaching a class. An expert.
LaShawn M. Thorne

Absolutely phenomenal presentation for the price. Just the right balance of basic information and challenges.
Gloria S. Wrenn

She did an outstanding job. Very well presented and very informative.
Scott Stallings

Upbeat, engaging. You can tell she enjoys her loan officer profession. Walks the walk. Believable.
Sherlee Johnson

I know she is a great producer. Phenomenal trainer. Ethical and qualified to teach this class.
Ed Newsom

Kathy is a passionate presenter with an extensive originating history.
Kathryn C. Curran

She was very pleasant. It's obvious she is very ethical and she sets a good example for futhre LOs.
Jennifer R. Reiner

Kathy is very personable and makes everyone in the room feel comfortable. It's easy to see why she would be a top producer! I would love to have her as a mentor!
Dawn Gosney

Paul's sincerity, integrity, and commitment to excellence shines through! Promote pre-study opportunity! It makes the classroom time more valuable!
Charles Bevel

The class is a personable, question friendly environment which gives real case scenarios to better prepare you for bumps in the industry.
Alice White

Paul Donohue's emphasis on ethics and the importance of benefit to the borrower shines throughout the class!
Melissa Dula

Very helpful class. The details are priceless knowledge for young loan officers. Paul is very enthusiastic, very very knowledgeable. Great teacher!
Craig Withrow

This class was very informative. I have been in the business for 10 years in West Virginia but still learned a lot of things I didn't know or had forgotten. Every aspect was covered and gives the new loan officer a very realistic idea of what a career
Jen Miller

Paul is a high quality teacher who makes it understandable. He gives a lot of word pictures that accelerate learning.
Brad Smith

Donohue Delivers!
Alice Pfannkuch

The online class gave me an opportunity to review material before class time, which I think made me better prepared for the live class presentation.
Diane Jordan

Paul delivers details in a manner that is beneficial, understandable and with adequate and candid firmness.
Larry Bailey

Very well presented and I enjoyed the amount of enthusiasm for this business that Paul has. He is very energetic and relates to the class in a friendly and knowledgeable manner.
Wendy DuFour

This is an excellent class for those interested in loan origination or for those currently in the industry to be re-charged.
K'tia Hilton

The online training gave me a great head start and I felt confident in the class and not overwhelmed and look forward to taking the test shortly.
Jeannine Richman

I never thought I could get any more excited about this business, but after your class I know it's all possible.
Ryan Matthew Tucker

The class was 100 times better than the one I took last year. Now I am confident that I will pass the test and receive my license. Paul was very positive and energetic. He kept my attention all day. That's what you need in an 8 hour class.
Gene Perry

I think the way he presents the information is concise and clear. I really enjoyed the way the information was given to me.
Andrea Morales

I enjoyed the energy of Paul and the course materials are great. They will allow me to pass the exam with ease. Paul is great. He seems down to earth and tells stories well and understands where we are and not just where he is.
Matthew Jezorek

Paul Donohue is an excellent speaker/trainer that does a fantastic job of keeping your attention and getting the necessary points across.
Matthew Griffith

I thought I was ready for a career change and now I'm 100% sure I am.
Cari DeCandia

Fun, insightful. It makes you want to learn and do the best you can for every potential client.
Martie Conner

It only took a few minutes to realize that Mr. Donohue is an expert in this field.
Sheldon Capps

Paul is very animated and has the right moral and ethical values. Also, he knows his stuff.
Linda Browning

Very good job in keeping everyone focused and alert during the 8 hours. Your positive attitude and thinking becomes contagious to anyone who learns from you.
Will Bruce

This was a very informative class. I have originated loans in another state for 9 months; however, I gained a multitude of knowledge taking this class. Paul is a great instructor and I could really tell that there is definitely passion for this industr
Sherri M. Brown

Paul's knowledge and love for the mortgage business really excites you.
Greg Robertson

This is a person that has good moral standards and that is what you get in the class. He is a person to look up to as a good examples in business and life.
Natalia Morales

He was great and really pumped me up and I feel like I'll pass my test, get my license and I'll be ready to work.
Gina Needham

Paul talks from the heart guided by experience and deep knowledge.
William Medina

Mr. Donohue is knowledgeable of the technical information as well as the practical. His advice on the mortgage planning session is very valuable.
Michele Silva

Very informative and Mr. Donohue gets you ready and wanting to help the world. He is very charismatic and shows/teaches in a way you feel his excitement for the industry. This makes for a very positive experience.
Christopher McCormack

Wow, wow, wow! This was the best investment in myself that I could ever have made!
Heather Fields

Paul is a dynamic speaker. He uses the class to go beyond the state requirement and help you be successful.
Steve Klintworth

Paul was terrific! As a newcomer to the business, I feel this course has set me on a great new path to my new career.
Tonja Padgett

Outstanding presentation. Paul Donohue possess extensive knowledge and communicates extremely well about the entire mortgage process.
James Healy

Worth every minute and every bit of the fee. Invaluable information. Genuine, informative and very motivating. It is obvious that he loves the business.
Jorge Rodriguez

Interesting, intriguing and approachable instructor whose experience lends credibility to his intelligence.
Aaron Bell

Paul's instruction is second to none.
Theodore Prichard

Wow! What a relief. I can now go into the exam with confidence and excitement! Kathy was extremely patient and explained everything in understandable terms.
Melissa McPeake

Used relevant information and gave us examples of what's going to happen in the field. It was great. It wasn't just read from a book.
Kent Bloms

I liked everything about the class. This was my first one and I would strongly recommend it to others.
Angela D. McManus

By far the best class I've attended in a long time. Instructor did a marvelous job. Kathy absolutely knows her business and you walk out with more confidence than you ever imagined!
Terry W. Carroll

Very informative, knowledgeable and personable.
Ty Chase

I thought the text, instructor and format of the class were exceptional.
Bradley Beavers

I loved how enthusiastic you were. You gave me a whole new perspective on this line of work. I loved it before, but you've given me a lot to think about. Thank you.
Stephanie Mattin

This was very informative and an extreme help. I look forward to learning more about the business! Paul is very informative and the workshop was motivating! I look forward to others.
Burt Burr

Paul Donohue is extremely informative and very effective in communicating the concepts of the mortgage industry.
B. Harper Boyle

Keeps your attention, very knowledgeable, trustworthy. I appreciated the importance placed on being ethical
Karen Kincaid

I feel that what Paul had to say was very valuable and useful for those trying to enter the mortgage business.
David E. Linzan

Dynamic, energetic, vibrant speaker with a lot of meaning.
Bernardo M. Rosello

Excitement! Energy is contagious in this class! Follow your belief… Realize your dreams.
Clay Herndon

Paul presents the class with the knowledge of the business through his experiences and how he has progressed through the years. Eight hours well spent.
Sarah Rhodes

This class was much more informative than the other class I went to. It was much more detail oriented! Paul was very enthusiastic and made the monotonous material much more enjoyable.
Andrea Towner

I thought the enthusiasm and presentation kept people's attention. Your examples were very precise and easy to follow. Paul is dynamic and wants to truly see each person who comes through the class be successful.
Michael L. Sursi

Mr. Donohue is a real person who I feel understands real people who have real needs.
Cecil Lashon Harris

Different viewpoints on key facets open up a whole new box of ideas to present to customers. A dynamic and engaging presentation based on years of experience. Well balanced presentation.
Chuck Lee

Very great job with the excitement and info that will benefit more than just the basics.
El Rico Williams

The course is about as complete as a seminar could possibly be. The only things left to learn can only be learned through experience.
Daniel Mich

This is the foundation every officer or originator should be building on. The most thoughtful and informative seminar I have ever attended. Outstanding!
Sam Wagoner

Very informative! Makes me excited about my job! Held my attention for 8 hours. For a processor that handles at least 100 tasks in a day -- to be able to sit for 8 hours is pretty good!!
Claudia Schultz

Professional and competent. Very knowledgeable and interested in us individually.
Irv Grogan

Great speaker. Great example of the way people in this business should work!
Margie Clampitt

Very informative. Very passionate about the business.
Dustin McMurtry

Very knowledgeable and animated enough to hold your attention. 8 hours is a long time to listen to lecture but he made it interesting.
Sonji McKoy

Awesome! I truly enjoyed the class.
Terri Knowles

The class goes back to basics and reminds you why you are a mortgage professional. The instructor was passionate, honest and informative.
Angela Hampton

Very informative -- not only with material needed to take state test but offered ideas that would help make me a better loan officer.
Tim Glancy

Thank you Mr. Donohue for passing on to me such helpful, useful and practical knowledge of this industry. I have learned so much more than I knew when I came. We got true knowledge. Very enlightening, funny and mostly inspirational to someone just com
Monica McMasters

It was so easy to follow. A step by step guide and you have the option to attend again.
John Turner

The fastest 8 hours I've ever spent in a classroom!
James Duncan

The way mortgage origination SHOULD be done. It rocks!
Kelly J. Canaday

I learned a great deal in a fun, enjoyable atmosphere.
Adam Walters

Paul covers a great deal of important information in a fast paced, entertaining way. I like that he stresses the ethics and integrity needed in this business.
Gina Carrick

Thorough, excited, knowledgeable, easy to understand.
Blanche Cheeley

Super good. I've been to Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, etc. You're real good.
Jerry Mitchell

Personal attention with real world situations add value to 8 hours of class seminar. One of the most productive and value based training sessions I have ever been through.
Julian M. Alston

I now feel very well prepared to take the licensing exam and I feel very confident going into it.
Paul Miller

Very energetic, knowledgeable, very clear on the laws; pointed out specifics on law we need to be aware of.
Barbara Williams

Paul offered great insight into this business. I would highly recommend it to anyone entering the mortgage industry. Paul understands this business upside down, inside and out. He also brings to the table the ethical portion which I believe was missin
Mark Mastroianni

I am so glad I came. A lifetime of information in 8 hours. Thank you very much.
Lynne Jordan

Great speaker. He makes this 8 hour class feel like 3 hours. Time flies when you are having fun and learning.
Jerry McWilliams

I like his background and that he did come from a finance background with a wealth of mortgage knowledge.
Natasha Duffy

Highly motivated instructor. He expresses a heartfelt desire to each student for their own success. Mr. Donohue has an earnest desire to convey his knowledge and instructs with a great deal of zeal.
Michael Carico

Very informative for someone who knew nothing of the mortgage business. Paul is very energetic, personable; great instructor.
Sherry Graves

Everything was great. Quite possibly one of the best instructors I have had in all my years of school, seminars, etc.
Wes Pittman

Mr. Donohue is very motivational, knowledgeable and entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed what I assumed would be a dull day in class. Things I already knew were confirmed about mortgages and new ideas were effectively presented.
Tammy McIntosh

There was a lot of information disseminated in a short period of time. Excellent.
James Butler

You better be ready to learn when you walk in the door. This class is fast-paced and full of excellent information.
John B. Kitchens

Course is a fine tuner
Anthony McGhee

I feel the course provides valuable information needed to succeed in this business.
Brandi Kendrick

Very informative. Clearly communicated material and took time to make sure we understood. Obviously knows what it takes to be successful in the mortgage industry.
Taylor Croy

Very good information and a pleasant personality.
Ivor I. Tulloch, Jr.

Very helpful. The instructor was very interesting and kept my attention. I think he did a tremendous job.
Jason Kanupp

You have a direct and clear way of explaining the laws, benefits, and success one will achieve by following your teachings. I think this class is a great education experience. Learn the mortgage business from someone who rose up through the trenches.
Gregory Hinson

Awesome! Great presenter. Made material easy to understand.
Nhia Ly

Very knowledgeable and ethical. Consider stand up comedy for fun!
Jason McKnight

I appreciated having calculators available and the extra help of teaching us how to use them. Mr. Donohue made the class fun and interesting even to those of us who has 4+ years experience and thought we knew it all.
Nichol Davis-Tate

Instructor was very energetic and excited to be teaching. A necessary thing on a rainy Monday for me to stay alert.
Brandon Colberg

This course is the most thorough training course I have experienced. The course material is thorough but even more important is Paul's presentation style and ethical approach.
Glenda Waldschmidt

It was straightforward and put together well and presented well. Paul was very enthusiastic; made the class enjoyable.
Brian Monteforte

I have been in the business 2 years. I still learned a lot. Very interesting instructor. Has a lot of energy!
Margaret Smith

Very helpful when first starting out! Nice Job!
Ross Painter

Content - good; focus - great; presentation - priceless.
Terry Ryan

I am so happy that I came to this class. It was 10 times what I expected. I'm impressed with the heart you put into it. Paul offers not only instructional training on NC guidelines but gives an overview of the process of originating and finding busine
Jennifer Pipes

Having an instructor that walked the walk and talked the talk was great. Nothing can replace that hands on experience
Debra Critcher

I was very impressed with her knowledge of the industry. She was awesome. Knew what she was doing. Prompt, timely delivery.
Bonnie Orr

I took Paul's advice. Sitting through the class a second time is invaluable. Thanks!
Brenda L. Price

Kathy was very thorough and she presented the information in a very clear and concise manner.
Mark Toney

Kathy was a very good instructor. She's very knowledgeable; goes at a good pace and keeps things on a level that is good for people of all experience levels.
Tommy Lanier

She was very professional and passionate and made the day go by fast. Wonderful!
Jessika Williams

I came into this class knowing nothing about mortgage loans or licenses and I left with a good understanding of both. The instructor was very knowledgeable and informative. She provided us with interesting and valuable data to use at a later date.
Cindi Burchette

Dynamic presentation of material. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Amanda Raper

Kathy speaks from the heart, not just the textbook.
Brian Congdon

This is one of a very few training seminars I've attended that kept me alert and interested ALL DAY!
Brenda L. Price

Paul adds life to his presentation. Audiences learn more from presenters that keep their focus and attention. The teaching
Sherry Berrier

Energetic; speaks with passion about industry and creates a drive inside of people that is irreplaceable.
Jason Qutermous

Paul's class is so informative, thorough and exciting. He brings life to the business.
Eric Nance

Dynamic and outstanding presentation of the course material.
Sherry Piotti

He is a man of passion and you can tell he really loves what he does.
Paul Gwaz

Excellent class. Great passion for this career and helping others to learn and understand.
Jared Weaver

Mr. Donohue makes the learning environment fun as well as fast paced.
Matt Smith

This class gave me a wonderful overview of the mortgage industry and makes me look forward to my career as a loan officer.
Kelly Sylvester

Very pleased with the views on ethics. I believe the profession is best served when
Robert McKenzie

This class was great. The materials were well laid out, easy to understand and so was the instructor. I think Paul is a wonderful instructor. I would come back to take more classes taught by him.
Lia Y. Lee

Paul is very knowledgeable and presents the required material in an informative and entertaining manner.
Scott Elvis

I've taken a lot of courses; this was the best.
Troy Alderson

Very excited and motivates!
Debra Slaughter

Very informative for someone new to the mortgage industry. It's very clear he has proven knowledge in all aspects of the loan process.
Chris Lockwood

Paul is fantastic; he is very easy to listen to and he keeps you interested in the topics. Really makes the material fun to learn. Great stories!
Grayson Hayes

Time went by fast due to the ease and professionalism portrayed.
Bill Hinson

Very informative. Printed materials gives you the study guides needed for test preparation.
Alice Cunningham

Excellent value - class, book, online, extra quizzes online, ability to attend more classes.
Marilyn Bateman

The material was presented clearly by someone who is obviously very knowledgeable on the material. Paul's mix of material and personal experience were helpful for me as a newcomer to the industry, in tying concepts to the process.
Chris Mentas

Paul keeps it interesting with his enthusiasm for the business.
Kendra Reich

Able to convey info thoroughly, quickly, while maintaining momentum. Thanks! A+ program. Highly recommend.
Pamela Billings

Knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Truly seemed interested in teaching success in this field not just supplying info to pass test but preparing students to have long-term success.
Robin Davis

Paul has great energy and is very entertaining. Makes the day pass quickly.
Pascal Boyd

Energetic, informative, common sense approach. Reinfoces the profession as that of professionals.
Susan K. Raynor

I was afraid 8-9 hours of sitting and listening would be draining. I'm actually leaving with energy! What a nice surprise!
Caroline M. Hedgecock

Engaging, good sense of humor, very easy to listen/learn to/from. Thank you.
Debra Young

Great class. Not only covers the technical aspects of mortgage lending but also serves as a motivating workshop. Instruvctor's expertise is second to none. He is energetic and makes learning an enjoyable process.
Darren M. Hill

Having originated loans for the past few months, I am shocked and relieved at how much I learned. Now I can go do things right. Thanks!
Prudence Sheffield

The class was VERY informative. I enjoyed the way Paul presented the class and his willingness to make sure we are prepared.
Carlos J. Weathers

It came highly recommended to me. After 8 years as a processor, I feel like I have learned even more.
Cathy Skinner

It's obvious that Paul loves what he does and is enthusiastic about it. He makes other people excited to be in this business.
Rebecca Sparks

Mr. Donohue did an excellent job, kept my interest, conveyed complicated info well, plus got me excited about my new career.
Matthew Kuntzi

Paul puts things in common sense context. Very informative. Thanks for a great day!
Cynthia Underwood

Top notch professional presentation. A must for mortgage professionals. Paul was very personable; it was obvious through his passion that he sincerely cares about the education of industry professionals.
Antoine S. Smith

Paul is passionate about this material! Great class!
Mike Lubanovic

Very professional and knowledgeable with what appears to be outstanding ethics and integrity.
Vincent Smith

She's effective and gives details and presentation that can be understood by individuals just starting out.
Tammy Suggs

Very informative and gives you the info you need to progress and succeed. Enthusiastic, entertaining and informative.
Chad A. Bruner

A great class. Concepts are thoroughly explained and used in real world examples. Novices to experts will benefit from this class. Kathy clearly knows volumes about the mortgage industry and manages to present complicated information in a clear and co
Michael Brannon

She was very informative, approachable and very knowledgeable of the industry.
Sabrina Lamar

Excellent. Extremely knowledgeable and excellent in communicating her knowledge.
Barbara Ballard

She taught the class very well and stopped to answer questions. That was great. She did a great job.
Laurie Little

The instructor is very helpful. She helps us understand and she is there if we need her to help no matter when it is on her time!
Victoria Chavis

Something that could be complex was made simple. Excellent.
Gina Dean

A combination of this class and the online access really improves the chances of success on the test.
James Brennan

She was great. Had good energy, very knowledgeable. She had command of the class and gave great real life examples and spoke clearly.
E. Omar Pettis

The class was very well organized. The instructor was very focused and professional.
Clay Hamilton

Great instructor. She was enthusiastic, patient, helpful. Great that she walked around to assist people with problems.
Jenny Sink

She was very helpful and well prepared. I liked her experience stories.
Joey Collins Vena

You made the suggestion when I registered for the course to review the on-line version. It helped prepare me tremendously for the course. I encourage everyone to do this. Kathy was great. She addressed all the important issues that she felt would hel
Christy Chappell

This class does a good job of giving a thorough overview of the loan officer's job without losing sight that the goal is to prepare for the test. The presentation didn't feel memorized. It really came across that she knows her stuff. Very easy to lear
Page Brown

Kathy knows her stuff. Her extensive background provides insight into today's market that is evolving practically daily. Very inspiring.
Gary H. Wyatt

Kathy is great! Because of her experience in the field, she brought many real life examples and shared her experiences to give us better insight.
Beverly Rainford

Instructor was sincere, concerned about ethics in the industry and very helpful to an absolute novice without being intimidated.
Mollie Sherrill

Very upbeat and articulate. The first person who ever explained APR and actually made sense.
Natasha Starghill

She is exciting. She uses lessons from her own experiences and stresses customer service.
Ashanti Gunthrope

Being in the mortgage industry for over 15 years, this is one of the best Fundamentals classes I have seen -- especially the attention to laws and ethics. Kathy was very informative in relaying the information and continuously touched on doing the right
John A. Bostic

Paul is knowledgeable and energetic and most of all has the experience relevant to such a dynamic market. Paul's got the war stories that gave me a real presence about this market. His experience and energy will motivate you not only here -- but I feel
Brian Hudson

I came in with no knowledge and I left feeling fully prepared for a new career. Paul has a perfect mix of humor and instruction which equals retention.
Kerry Prince

I consider myself highly ethical and work for the borrower's interest. It is quite clear that Paul is a kindred spirit in this regard.
Philip Smoak

You believe in what you do -- it shows! Very, very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. You must really love what you do -- helping others.
Jerri Twisdale

Not only a good teacher but a great motivator. Paul is very interesting and I would definitely recommend him.
Robert E. Barwick

Paul's upbeat approach and positive vision is something all true mortgage professional should experience.
Pete D'Arruda

Packed with valuable information. Patient and understanding in working with those that had no previous education in this field.
Nora Robbins

The website was a major asset to my understanding along with the instructor's delivery. Binder and manuals were a delightful surprise.
Abel Gomez

Very informative, great presentation, great interaction with the students. Paul put on an excellent presentation. I will walk away with an education on mortgage lending that I can actually apply to my work.
Lynn McDaniel

Without a doubt Paul is one of the most informative, entertaining instructors in comparison to any seminar I have ever attended.
Scott Maddox

The class was very interesting and easy to follow. I had concerns about sitting in a class for 8 hours but they were never realized.
Todd Kleban

The instructor was enthusiastic and energetic. Very in-depth and informative. Instructors seems to be very knowledgeable.
J.P. Matthews

An non-boring approach to what could be a boring class. It is great and very thorough.
Matthew S. Stone

Wonderful learning experience. Dynamic speaker.
Harold Miller

This class was great. I am definitely leaving knowing more and feeling more confident in my profession. Paul was very down to earth and friendly. Easy to understand material. Breaks all mortgage lingo
Tiffany McFadden

Dynamic, yet low key! Extremely knowledgeable but does not talk down to the class of all levels.
Joe Patrick

Combines good customer service with building your business. Good balance of technical skills and sales skills given throughout training.
Gwenn Rice

Very enthusiastic and encouraging. Extremely informative and inspirational.
Vic Wheeler

The level of expertise and professionalism in second to none. This class helps to clarify any preconceived notions in the mortgage industry as well as gives you a better understanding of the intricacies of the business.
Kevin Scott

Very easy to follow and Paul makes it very simple to understand. A++++ Absolutely awesome, could not ask for better.
Matthew Stallings

The average class delivers the facts. Paul adds insight, advice based on experience in the field and a big picture view of where the industry's come from and where it's going.
Mollie Sherrill

Paul brings a breath of fresh air to an otherwise boring class. He sincerely cares for every person involved in a mortgage transaction. He is very passionate about mortgage banking. He brings a unique perspective to this line of work throughout the 8
Austin Herbert

Paul, I have 16+ years of mortgage banking experience and I was impressed with your approach and training method. You teach at a level that is informative to beginners and also to a polished professional.
Daniel Coggins

Great class. Don't miss it.
Barry Goldenberg

Paul puts his heart and soul into his work. Strives to transfer his knowledge to make you successful. Thanks.
Tony Haymore

I was very impressed with the Laws section. I learned a lot of new and helpful information. Paul was great. Very intelligent and helpful. He knows his stuff.
David Green

A really wonderful class that I enjoyed. I have had a lot of classes and enjoyed this one a lot.
Elaine Province

Excellent presentation. Upbeat and exciting. Very encouraging!!!
Sandra Dillard

Great guy, really nice, not intimidating.
Nathan D. Jones

Paul is very informative and innovative in his thinking.
Vernon Brown

I loved the humor used and real life stories. Interesting and lively.
Marla Woods-Tate

I thought it was a great class. Can't wait for the next one.
Star Lewis

The presentation of the course was phenomenal. Relates material to situations that will come about in real life situations.
Robert Boulware

Very professional, informative, and helpful. Mr. Donohue is a wonderful communicator and teacher! Paul has an obvious passion for this industry and has inspired me to work harder to master my craft!
Justin Ivy

This is a very dynamic and informative class. The instructor was excellent and very knowledgeable. I would recommend this course to any potential loan officer applicants.
Sean Langston

This class was paced well. It was not boring or too much.
Leah Jarvis

I highly recommend this class for aspiring lenders. Entertaining, affable, great teacher. It would be a pleasure to have De
Willie D. Ayers, Jr.

I have never been in a class that was so informative! I came in knowing nothing, but left feeling like an expert. He is great! He really knows how to convey the information.
Keish Scott

Excellent training session packed full of information. The information was presented in a manner that is easily understood.
Jennifer Wood

Mr. Donohue was extremely effective at teaching this class. He is a true professional at his craft.
Matt Zawoysky

Information was presented in a very interesting and highly motivational way. Paul is a very motivational instructor and made the info really sink in even though time was limited for the amount of info presented.
Andrea Stagnone

This was the best training I've attended. Very informative and helpful tips for studying. The instructor was clear and his experience examples provided much clarity to the textbook material.
Tasha Phifer

Very interesting, very energetic, wish he was my manager.
John Ballard

Informative and educational. Paul had no problem keeping my attention the whole class. Besides being informative and educational, it was very easy to stay focused!
Greg Earnhardt

Very informative, thought provoking and kept it interesting.
Gerard Grogans

Intelligent instructor. Paul delivers a strategic approach to everything you will need to launch your career in the mortgage industry.
Curtis Hightower

I was very impressed with the instructor. His energy level kept me interested and awake through the vast amount of material. I've taken another licensing class in another state and this class taught me more in 1 day than the other did in 3.
Mike Blackmer

Enjoyed the class and excited to enter into the industry. Energetic and highly knowledgeable. Made class fun and emphasized importance of material personally and professionally.
Heather M. Duncan

The online preparation tools are excellent. They really helped me prepare for the class before I got there so I could absorb more. And being able to come back at no charge is a great option.
Ryan Thompson

You're in the hands of a knowledgeable speaker who can also make the information interesting.
Brianna Willis

I believe there are many misconceptions in the loan officer world, even grand-fathered employees should be required to take this class.
Kimberly Mecham

Excellent presentation. Material is covered well and moves quickly. Instructor was excellent in keeping the class moving and keeping everyone's attention.
Jasson Phillips

Awesome answers to questions. Very thorough. Very enthusiastic, highly knowledgeable for every question.
Jamie Coleman

Good job at keeping everyone's attention and interest in this hue sea of required information.
Katharine Lewis

Structured very well; plenty of coverage in book with attention to important ideas in lecture.
Beth McFarland

Paul was absolutely wonderful! Even though I have been in the business for a couple of years, he still gave me information that I didn't know!
Kristie Kennedy

Love the presentation. You made it to where I did not feel like I was going to nod off to sleep throughout the day.
Andrea Draughn

Very information, great instructor, very positive about class, excited about teaching.
Jason Mabe

Instructor was well informed, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. He made learning fun. Keep up the good work.
Charlene D. Lamour

Paul was a great teacher! I appreciated his codes of ethics and how he taught the information, but incorporate morality as well.
Maria Wilkins

It was a great class and I feel much better prepared for the exam. Great teacher -- very energetic.
John W. Channel

I took this class 5 months ago and learned a lot the first time. Paul was great. BUT the second time through was so much more. I not only learned the information but really grasped the material. My understanding of the process, laws, and concepts is
Kathy MacLeod

This guy really knows his stuff and presents it in an informative and entertaining manner.
John W. Gerber

It was a long day that was made enjoyable by Paul's skill as a public speaker. Paul is animated, funny, informative and easy to listen to.
Anna Lapping

Top notch! Keep up the excitement and the great stories. Peoples' lives are no joke! Great job! I never lost interest!
Betty Mitchell

Definitely a crash course that painted a very good overall picture of the business and what is to be expected. Paul was a very easy instructor to follow and understand. Very personable and easy speaking. Definitely at the top of my list of professiona
Jason D. Rollins

The class, together with the online resources and text, are an unbelievable wealth of information. Everyone should teach this great! The amount of knowledge and understanding I have taken from this course is amazing. I think everyone in the business s
Sara Elizabeth Early

Instructor is very thorough and gave great examples to go along with the text. She was also very motivating in the way the material was presented.
Matt Kleckner

The instructor was very clear and concise in her presentation. She left a very positive impression on me.
James Bynum

I wish I had attended this class before ever beginning as a loan officer.
Gary L. Tesh

Just very impressed with all - hotel, training and everything.
Joy Lane Cuellar

Once I decided to work in this business I told several people that I was coming to the Paul Donohue class. I was told it was the best! I was very impressed with the instructor and now I look forward to watching Mr. Donohue online. I also appreciate al
Ella Ruth King

It was a lot of information since this is all new to me, but laid out great and easy to follow. Great study guide.
Melinda Boyd

Kathy is knowledgeable and well prepared. She is very energetic and makes a long day of some dry
Ed Wotanis

Kathy cares about the client, the LO, the course work, the field and the law.
Kevin Roberts

Outstanding and understandable. Thank you!!! Give her a raise!
Tony Fleming

Kathy's considerable resume and first-hand knowledge of the mortgage industry really helped to illustrate and bring home
Joy Allen

Ms. Godin is very knowledgeable, professional and highly energetic. She is thorough and friendly. She really knows the business.
Mary Elizabeth Haire

She was excellent. Extremely knowledgeable and I liked the fact that she still originates loans and is in touch with today's market.
David Coyle

Great experience. Loved the class. Thank you!
Marina Korner

Kathy was very high energy, professional and entertaining.
Leslie Long

Kathy did an excellent job keeping the class moving and attentive. Great, knowledgeable teacher and professional.
Joe Knaack

Paul Donohue Presents has given me a better insight into the mortgage industry. The presentation truly defines and outlines the jargon of the industry that may seem confusing to all newcomers. Keep up the good work!
Tarsha Streeter

Kathy is an intelligent individual who truly knows how to communicate what she has learned over the years. She was great.
Christopher Baldi

Kathy was a pleasure; very passionate.
Andrew Brown

It provides a substantial knowledge base for mortgage professionals. The instructor is on the ball; knows what the mortgage pro needs and how to provide it.
Bickett Fort

Kathy did a great job on staying on track to get through all the info. You can tell she cares about this industry. Great job!! Thank you.
Tony Davenport

Kathy is very helpful and willing to explain and her knowledge of the industry oozes out. Loved every minute!
Benny Randolph

I am in a totally different field of work with no mortgage experience and I feel like I can pass the test today.
Dewayne Stancil

Kathy is a great instructor; very detailed and answers all questions.
Wanda M. White

Paul, it was a pleasure. I've been in the business for 10 years and I still learned today.
Ryan Smith

Paul Donohue is lively, very approachable and extremely knowledgeable. I want to be connect with people like Paul Donohue!
Marcelo Berta

Paul was extremely knowledgeable and informative and he did an excellent job in keeping my attention throughout the entire course.
Hank Ward

Information given out during class is easy to understand. Provides lots of practice examples. Can tell Paul has been in the industry for 20 years. He really knows his stuff!
Julene H. Carter

Good information in a short amount of time with all the material that needs to be covered! Paul was clear and concise and kept your attention.
Debbie Jarvis

I found this class very valuable. Not only were all the requirements covered, but he also offered selling tips. He's a great lecturer. Always has interesting scenarios to relate to in class problems.
Lowell Matthews

I came because Mr. Donohue cam highly recommended so I believe he has earned his integrity and character.
Martha Johnson

Instructor is very knowledgeable of material. He made learning interesting and understandable given the time period.
Crystal Montague

Paul Donohue exceeded my expectations of this class. If anyone fails this test, it's their fault!! Great study materials and resources.
April Blankenship

Mr. Donohue was extremely helpful. He made everything easy to understand. He also made the class enjoyable.
Jessica Ankeney

Very knowledgeable. No stones left unturned. Very elaborative.
Chris Leonard

Great. Love the way Paul kept information flowing and did not allow students to interrupt or take control of the class.
Betty B. Richardson

Very positive, informative and upbeat. Professional, sharp, shows expertise.
Alvin A. Viverette

I loved this class and Paul. I was so excited about coming to the class and laying eyes on the most talked about
Tammie Rouse

Excellent teacher. Goes about and beyond to make sure the information is understood.
Marilyn McRae Burns

Kathy is great. She is very passionate and her desire to work for the customer is very evident.
Debbie Woodward

The class was very enjoyable and much better than I expected.
Kathryn Fry

Presented beautifully. Kathy was so knowledgeable on all concepts.
Emily Reynolds

Great info, not just for the test, but for being a loan officer.
Tony Shirley

Kathy is very knowledge about the mortgage field and what she shares with others!
Dana A. Hartsell

The instructor was very informative and answered all questions promptly.
Ashley Jones

Sophisticated and professional. One of the nicest required courses I've taken.
Grey Gibbons

I will tell everyone about this class and training.
Jamie Davis

Kathy is great! Her years of experience and knowledge are evident in her teaching.
Patricia Cook

Very engaging, knowledgeable and charismatic. Loved her!
Trevan Bryant

Kathy was wonderful, informative, friendly and comforting. Thank you!
Elizabeth Haines

The most extensive instruction by pleasant and personable presenters in the business. The sincerity of the presentation is very impressive. The invitation to attend more classes over the next 12 months is very attractive. Kathy's pace is very rhythmic
Sidney Brodie

The knowledge of product and personal day-to0day experience will show through to a great feel for the business.
Howard P. Logue

I thought the class was very thorough and detailed. Kathy is a wonderful instructor. She was focused and clear and made a huge amount of info easy to understand.
Christina Hodges

Kathy is good at explaining networking and how to retain customers for life.
Sarah Tomlin

Kathy was thorough, knowledgeable, and approachable.. A delightful instructor.
Kathy A. Swanson

Kathy's past as a teacher definitely shines through. She stays on task and uses good stories
Pattie Edgerton

I feel that if I study the highlighted areas of the Fed and State laws a but that I will be prepared for the test. I've been originating for years. Kathy was able to go through tedious material efficiently but with enough detail for Newbie's.
Jennifer Beckley

Comprehensive and well timed format. Paul is very clear and thorough, always willing to help with individual questions, while not disrupting the rest of the class. Great!
Belinda Maynard

The material is very clear and concise and Paul was an excellent presenter who kept me interested in the material all day.
Alexis Arnold

The course is in-deph but nicely summarized in an easy format. I think, with a few hours study time, I will definitely pass the state exam. Paul is friendly and you truly feel as though he wants you to succeed.

The class exceeded my expectations, even though it came highly recommended by a prospective employer.
David Navaroli

I would recommend this class because this industry is always changing and everyone should be updated to better help the customer.
Kevin McKeithan

Good information. Paul is very upbeat and not boring. He makes the class interesting.
Rashella Dockery

Paul is very positive and lets you know upfront what you're getting into: your effort and professionalism equals your paycheck.
Sun Moulton

Kathy kept the class on track and although I knew most of the material, she presnted it in a way that I was interested the whole time! Good job!
Matt Brubaker

the course teaches not only how to pass the test but what is truly important: relationships with customers. Kathy is not just an instructor but is actively closing loans and shows she knows hands on about the business.
Carrietta Richardson

Kathy was very detailed in highlighting important facts, but also stressing the ethical importance as well.
Ginger Duckett

Kathy was very interesting, upbeat, informative and presented lots of energy and charisma.
Lynn Bell

Great path to prepare for the state exam.
James Gary Dean

I had taken the class one year ago and obtained my license; however, I have not worked in the field. I have now secured a position with a company but needed a refresher
Monica Boyd

The whole day was made easy due to the material and the knowledge of the instructor. Kathy really knows her stuff and she also made it simple for some of us slow learners.
Tim Ellerbe

I thought the class was very informative while being concise. Instructor was very energetic, well spoken, provided personal insight and references that proved pertinent to information being taught.
Daniel Wallace

Very in-depth course, which will benefit any LO, regardless of previous experience. Instructor had a wonderful personality and clear presentation of course material. Excellent knowledge bank. Great job!
Timothy D. Turnmire

Highly comprehensive. Shows exactly where your weaknesses are and what you need to study to pass the test. Instructor was outstanding -- very enjoyable day.
Bob Conway

Very well put together. Great study material. Very effective.
Shawn Kasey

Paul Donohue Presents was perfect. No nonsense; however, warm and animated. Paul is great. Entertaining and keeps the class and students on track.
Jacqueline Deas-Brown

I was not bored. You are very bubbly, great personality. Keep up the great work!
Lamonica Bond

Paul presents the material in an easy to understand format. The extra time after the class is invaluable.
John Bigliardi

One of the better training classes I have been to and I am an instructor.
Jim Marks

This class was recommended to me and I will recommend it. The class flowed and how we had to work and take a test besides listen was great for my learning.
Lora Patterson

Detailed; energetic/charismatic instructor; professional tips; ethical considerations always highlighted.
John Charles McNeill

You will not learn more from any other class than in Paul's. Paul is very personable and truly cares about your learning experience.
Susan McCain

After having taken this seminar and having researched for the best course of study, Paul Donohue was my best choice. Paul exhibits clarity, knowledge, understanding and above all an ethical nature necessary to this business.
Wilber H. Foster

I thought Kambuck in Florida was good. Your course is excellent and Paul's presentation was great. I would highly recommend anyone to go to his course.
James Madison

The instructor cares highly for this profession and clearly demonstrates high ethics. Thank you!
Brenda Weaver

Great job. Enjoyed the whole day. Time went really fast. Looking forward to attending future classes.
James Bess

Excellent presentation of laws and the entire mortgage process.
Vance Blew

Very informative and covers material in a manner that is appropriate and directed toward sales professionals.
Mark Trandem

I liked the online availability for before and after the class to cover anything I didn't quite get in class.
Janicesteen P. Huff

Very informative, professional learning atmosphere. Instructor was extremely effective and efficient. Great attitude. This is absolutely necessary when instructing. Paul effectively demonstrated and taught subject matter. Evident passion for the ind
Juan Lopez

Paul was very clear in his explanations and as entertaining as he could possibly be given the amount of material he had to cover.
Taylor Mull

Enjoyed the class. Not as boring as I thought after having been in the business for 5 years!
Angela Childers

The class is life changing. A man that has the ability to empower people to move forth in a life changing career.
Josuana Starr

Very chrismatic, knowledgeable, approachable and energetic.
Gina Griffith

I appreciate the fact that you were so professional. Nowadays people (even in leadership positions) use profanity. Thank you for not doing so.
Dagmar M. Torres

Well worth the time and money! I will take additional classes! Excellent, useful information that was very well presented! One of the best instructors I've ever had. Very knowledgeable and genuine!
Julie Melser

Paul broke it down in terms that a person unfamiliar with the business can understand.
Sharonda Funderburk

I really appreciate Mr. Donohue's constant eye contact and class interaction. The real life examples were great as well.
Caleb George

Awesome. I loved that you cut straight to the point with the most important info. Very real -- great speaker!
Amy Long

I'm licensed in Life and Health Insurance, Medical Supplement Insurance and Real Estate. This class was by far the best.
Michael B. Lawrence

For an 8 hour course it went by quickly! Great instructor.
Laurie Dunn

Kathy's knowledge and experience gives the class a real world look at mortgage origination.
Marc Dollinger

Very well thought out class. Instructor is very personable and knowledgeable.
Brian McDonald

Material was thorough and presentation was clear and concise! It reinforces concepts that are increasingly important to keep in the forefronts of our minds.
Elizabeth Crow

I have over 10 years of experience in lending and Kathy did a great job of keeping the material interesting.
Christian J. Spoerl

I thought this class was extremely helpful and beneficial. My branch manager comes every year and I will in the future. This has been a wonderful learning experience. Kathy was awesome. She explained everything in great detail.
Stacey Burris

Loved the presenter. Her thoroughness, attention to real-life details, knowledge.
Maggie E. Saylor

Great job instruting. Easy to understand.
William Monroe

Excellent presentation of info with personal insights from actual experiences.
David R. Bell

Outstanding public speaker who clearly understands the material.
Jonathan Hewitt, Jr.

Excellent, flowed well, great accomodations.
Floyd A. Oathout

Kathy was excellent. She made the material very easy to understand and brought real life
Amy Bemus

Kathy is great. She gives a human approach
Barbara Piwoski

Keep up the great work! Loved the class.
Eddie Xiong

Kathy did a great job! Her instruction was very thorough. The class left me with the confidence that I can further my career in loan origination.
Lynn Johnson

Kathy is very knowledgeable and did a great job.
Stephen L. Disbro

Not just a class. Can be used as a springboard for your career. Thorough, positive and motivating.
Keith Hardke

The material was comprehensive. The instructor was knowledgeable and kept the class moving to ensure an attentive audience. Her experience as an LO helped her translate laws and ideas into practical understanding of the material.
Brett D'Camera

Been in the mortgage lending business for 15 years; most informative and practical class that I have ever taken. Dynamic presentation, well put together and informative; would highly recommend to potential originators and processors alike.
Adrienne Brimhall

Very exciting. Knows his stuff.
Christine Ryals

I think Paul did an excellent job of conveying the information and keeping the lessons interesting and easy to learn.
Angela Dulaney

I came in with no knowledge. I'm leaving with the feeling that I now have a foot in the door
Mitzi Culler

His knowledge and motivation is super great!!!
Ziya Ozan

Informative. Covers letter of the law
Dionne Hall

I've attended a lot of professional seminars and this was the best by far. Paul was as energetic at 5 pm as he was at 9 am.
Jennifer Rohde

You will stay awake and not feel like you've sat through 8 grueling hours of school. It's to the point and every word is useful. Paul is animated and has an exciting tone in his presentation.
Nick DePriest

I am learning this profession from ground zero. The information was presented in a very easy to understand format. Very enjoyable and not boring at all! She was wonderful!
Bonnie Dzingle

Awesome! Very personable and made me feel like he was speaking one-on-one with everyone in the class.
Robert B. Winfrey

Paul was great and smiled the whole time. Very warm atmosphere. Great class. Paul has a great personality and knows how to explain things in detail.
Janie Hopper

It makes loan origination interesting. She conveys her love of the industry.
Evelyn Talbott

Kathy was great. Well informed, spoke loud and clear and obviously has passion and integrity. This can be very boring but she did well.
Amanda Bell

Well spoken trainer. Obviously seasoned and well informed. Made some dry information
Charlie Guida

Very personable and friendly and expressed concern for participants' understanding of material.
Damian Johnson

Kathy is extremely effective and displays professionalism. She makes the material interesting. You can tell she has passion for the industry.
Ravi Thakkar

You took a very complicated industry and made it seem simple as well as bringing mortgage origination down to a personal level - right where it should be!!
Christina Murrill

She was a wonderful speaker! Anyone who can keep laws, figures, and ethics interesting for eight hours while still keeping a disciplined agnda is quite impressive.
Becca Reynolds

Sincere, extremely knowledgeable and dynamic.
Don J. Bryant

Well spoken, articulate, friendly and helpful trainer.
Ayana Grant

I've learned a lot about a whole new industry today. The information will be invaluable in originating home mortgages.
Ronnie Midyette

Very professional in appearance and voice. Very knowledgeable!
Larry Heustess

Very clear speaker, funny; spoke with experience.
Linda Dennis

Very dynamic and easy to listen to. Obviously knowledgeable.
Tom Giroux

Great presentation skills. Very knowledgeable and motivated. Strong sense of ethics.
Debbie Edwards

Lots of energy, good voice. Not boring, very knowledgeable. Explains in understanding way.
Toni Harper

The class contains a wealth of information that is conveyed in short amount of time. Very effective! Paul Donohue shows a great deal of understanding of mortgage practice, laws, and ethics. I learned a lot in a short period of time.
Jason T. Bullard

He believes in what he teaches and that to me is important.
Tony Trotman

It is as much a motivational seminar as it is a learning seminar!
Tammy H. Campbell

As a real estate broker, I found the course refreshing in the approach of orienting an individual to the procedures of mortgage banking. Very thorough, dynamic and thought provoking. Never a dull moment.
Ellison Honeycutt

This was an excellent review of fundamentals. I could have used this course two years ago when starting to work with lenders.
Donald Gerratt

I think Mr. Donohue is very knowledgeable and kept my attention all day. I would recommend this class for everyone, not just mortgage people.
Pat McElroy

An excellent preparatory class for individuals who desire the interworkings and relatinships of the mortgage business. The material is well covered. The instructor's passion and energy for the material is obvious.
Russell Miskin

Paul did a great job with good insight that I can take back to my workplace to better serve my customers.
Tommy Southerland

Paul's class was excellent. It will not only help my progression in the building industry but will help my most important asset, my customers.
Ryan Foster

The best 8 hours of training I've ever been to.
Bryce McElroy

This class was very insightful and full of knowledge and experience through Mr. Donohue's years in the business. I was and am pleased.
William A. McDowell

I cam in with very limited knowledge and left with confidence that I will pass the test.
Eric Ringer

The class offered great/valuable information that can never be reinterated to mortgage professionals enough.
Courtney Harris

Paul, picked your training from your website. You did not disappoint me. You're the best!
David Resech

Reconnect with why you love the mortgage business. Paul has a familiarity with the knowledge that only experience can bring.
Matt Blanchard

Interesting, knowledgeable, great insight on industry tips and sales tips.
Dennis Hooton

It gives me the basics of loan origination with an added emphasis on sales techniques.
Joe Schenk

As a mortgage professional, the lesson was a great review
Carl Eaglin

He is dedicated to his profession and seemed to sincerely want to honestly benefit his clients.
Donna M. Warila

A wonderful insight on the mortgage industry. Paul was very informative. I learned a lot!!
Jamee Smith

Highly effective, even for those who have been in the industry.
Dianne Frank

I really enjoyed the frank and unintimidating approach Paul uses. An industry leader with helpful information anyone can use!
Donnie Rhodes

Of all the professional courses I have taken (and there are many), Mr. Donohue exceeds every one. Time well spent, interesting. I'll come back.
Georgia Gantt

You provide the information in clear and concise manner without making it trivial. Energetic, vivacious, very knowledgeable.
Mindy L. Zimmerman

Best training format I have been exposed to in the mortgage industry. Upbeat and extremely informative.
John C. Bass

Informative, happy, down to earth with great attitude.
Marlene Cochran

Paul was energetic and upbeat the entire day! I love the stories and the atmosphere you created! It's on you Paul!
Eddie Leiss

Paul knows how to make it all fit together and work for you.
Jeff Kemp

Paul Donohue is to the mortgage education industry as Bill Friday is to academics in North Carolina… invaluable, ethical and very highly appreciated.
William Thomason

For someone like myself breaking into a new career, he gives you need to get started ahead of the typical learning curve.
Brian Franklin

Paul was great. Had a good way of explaining to make you better understand.
Karen Boling

Paul Donohue is kind, caring, compassionate and knowledgeable. A great teacher you can learn from with wonderful people skills!
Walter H. Clark, Jr.

Paul is incredible. I have never known anyone to be so passionate and enthusiastic about what they do for a living. The class and material far outweighed my expectations.
Toronya Ezell

Material was presented is more than what you need to pass the licensing exam. Paul shares his best practices
Susan Glynn

This is the best class I have ever attended. Wonderful instructor and good materials.
Luan Dinh

Very informative. Delightful presenter! Kept my attention all day! I thought the video was great but Paul is awesome in person.
Janet Bennett

Most informative class anyone could ever want. Paul is enthusiastic and personable.
Bertie J. Davis

Interesting, informative. Keeps it alive and going. Paul is very personable, friendly and a great speaker. Great class. Thanks!
Joni L. Disher

You are phenomenal! Extremely wise and professional instructor and originator.
Elizabeth Dean

If you come into this class knowing nothing about the business, you can leave with a bank of knowledge.
Brian Stallings

Great class. Really a great way to be introduced to the industry. Highly informative. Paul is highly motivated and personable. Loved it, loved it, loved it!!!
Michael S. Payne

If you want to be successful, make honest money, and enjoy your job, Paul can get you there.
Steven Harper

The internet site was wonderful. Anyone could know nothing about becoming a LO and have great confidence in the process after visiting your website. Knowledge, energetic, motivated and caring. Paul Donohue -- the total package.
Becky L. Hines

Mr. Donohue was very impressive. He has made me more enthusiastic about real estate.
Renee Hutchison

Paul makes you believe in yourself and your career choice by holding yourself accountable and holding ethics and values as a top priority.
Ellen McCardle-LaLima

I took a class with a different company and didn't get anything out of it. This class made things a lot more clear.
Amanda Bradford

It was a lot of material to cover, but it was done clearly and all my questions were answered in a professional manner. Paul spoke very clearly and it seemed like he really cared about my success in the mortgage business.
Ryan O'Donnell

Intense learning experience. He teaches how to do the business the right way.
Bob Shanklin

He did an awesome job keeping your attention. I loved how Mr. Donohue was in tune
Amber Zack

Kathy Godin was focused and committed on all materials and information provided. Questions were answered and knowledge was gained! She was awesome!
Virginia Dell Allen

Very clear, to the point. Kathy kept the class moving and kept your interest.
Marsha Pence

Great instruction. Kathy was very thorough, knowledgeable, easy to listen to and friendly.
Spencer Adams

Quality content and professional execution. The instructor, Kathy Godin, does a super job. Obviously knows the material and connects well with the audience.
Theresa Thomason

Instructor was excellent. Answered all questions on break and kept the program moving.
William Garrett, Jr.

The process of originating loans explained by practical application was priceless! The instructor's 19 years of personal experience in the mortgage industry provided valuable information not found in any textbook!
Joy Dawson

Wonderful instructor that covered the book in the allotted time without ever letting class bog down. Wonderful and knowledgeable.
Linda A. Dale

Kathy is great. She is energetic and very knowledgeable.
Hollis Myers

I went from not knowing this course to being able to navigate through the information and have a working knowledge of the process.
Danny Charles Williams

Information definitely prepares you for the state exam. Instructor was very knowledgeable about what to expect on state exam and licensing requirements.
Erica Braziel

Although I have been in the business for a while now, your class helped clarify and consolidate my understanding of mortgage principles.
Justin Mizelle

Kathy was very energetic and seemed to have a good knowledge of the business.
Demetrice Spence

It was very informative and the trainer was wonderful and spoke on my level of understanding.
Kim Weatherman

A lot of quality information in a short period of time.
Tom Taucher

The class stayed on track without a lot of interruptions and side hypotheticals. Kathy was great.
Zaviera Mill

This class made the mundane come alive for me. The time went fast and the instructor was interesting and energetic.
Garrett Pracht

Seems well organized. Focused on ethics very appropriate for this business.
Lisa Morrison

Kathy was a wonderful instructor who kept class interesting. She gave many examples which made it easier to understand the concept.
Carrie Lee

Wonderful. She seems to be very knowledgeable and has a true passion for business. She was easily understood. She was great!
Holly Shuping

No one should be allowed to originate anywhere without this class! Kathy's great. Very easy to follow!
Sherrie Brotherton

She's a real good teacher. Very patient and good to work with.
Lisa Shepherd

Good content. Presented well by a person well versed in the industry.
Paul Dye, Jr.

Excellent presentation of course materials. She stayed on subject and used time wisely.
Stacy H. Simmons

Fiery. Believes to be more creative than detail oriented, however has key insight toward credibility in the way she presents herself and your company. Goodwill and likeable!
Adam VanWart

Kathy Godin knows her stuff and is a great instructor!
Jessica Wilkins

Extremely comprehensive. The best class that I have attended during my 20 years and 4 states in the business.
Diane Neilson

She was wonderful. Great teacher and made learning easy.
Lori F. Bauman

Very strong presented. Very experienced and knowledgeable.
Arthur Cote

Very good ethical and loan fraud comments. Most helpful for those entering profession.
Betty Hudson

She is a very helpful lady and a good teacher. Kathy is eager to show and explain what you don't understand!
Victoria Chavis

I liked Kathy's style. She is positive and upbeat and great about making sure we understood the concepts.
Janet Bennett

I felt that the education was extremely valuable and pertinent to this line of work. Kathy not only provided terrific facts and information but also expressed details about how to be the best loan originator by incorporating people skills and ethics.
Kana Papke

Kathy was great. Very knowledgeable and could read the class well (knew when to break or keep going).
Casey Tesar

Great overview! Covers all the bases. Kathy was very thorough. I feel we covered everything I needed to prepare for the exam.
Richard Skinner

Great about making sure we don't feel intimidated, which is good for those of us crossing into new professional territory.
Christina Graham

Great, great teacher. Great use of stories and anecdotes to mix with class.
Brian Lane

Great speaker and knows her material thoroughly. Would recommend her to anyone.
Michelle R. Smith

If this class was an indication of the quality of all your classes, I would highly recommend all of them.
Anne Hathaway

Excellent job! You can tell Kathy is extremely knowledgeable.
Larry Horenstein

Kathy was very knowledgeable and gave clear and precise answers to questions asked.
Thomas E. Davis

From starting out speaking with Joy to taking the class with Kathy teaching - everyone involved was great. Kathy knows how to make learning fun. She is very well versed but also makes you smile.
Tammie Holland-Hedrick

Kathy is very professional and understanding. At the same time she is also patient and easy to listen to.
Clara H. Foster

It is obvious that the instructor is an experienced educator. Very well presented.
Norman F. Butler

Fast paced, quick moving class. Well planned and executed. She was very knowledgeable, energetic and on top of things. She gave us good factual knowledge as well as helpful insights from her experience.
Carla K. Brannon

Paul was an excellent instructor who is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable of this material. Thoroughly enjoyed the class.
Lindsay Daniel

I have been in the mortgage industry for 20+ years and I learned so much today. He was great.
Suzanne Carter Salaam

I've been in the mortgage business for almost two years and have learned so much today. I would recommend this class to everyone in the business.
Melanie Naylor

I have been in the industry for 13 years but I learned in this class there's a lot more I needed to know. Excellent.
Jana Crawley

An obvious wealth of knowledge and experience. Not only highly experienced, but able to relay that experience to the class.
Damond Van Weerdhuizen

I learned a lot of things that I did not know and it was explained in a way that was easy to understand. He's a great speaker. Very informative.
Tammy Beasley

Nice guy. Acts like he really knows what he's talking about. Explains everything in full detail.
Sharon Wise

Outstanding and motivating, sharp and clear, well worth the time. Down to earth and professional.
Thelma Westbrook

The actual examples offered are very valuable to understanding otherwise abstract concepts. Covers a variety of relevant information all in one day. Pace is good, time well spent.
Norma Matto

This class really opened my eyes to what I need to look at in my life as well as in helping others. He was great! Very enthusiastic about what he was teaching.
Sarah Crenshaw Doby

Great class! I would like to attend some other classes for the more experienced professionals.
Christopher A. Leak

The instructor was fabulous. Very personable, very professional and an asset for the industry.
Ken Smith

This was an awesome class! Thanks a million!
Tiffini Foriest

I felt very motivated throughout the whole training. Not once did I feel the information was not needed. This is my first impression or into to the mortgage business and I feel that I'm ready and very determined to get out there.
Jessica Laube Caples

Paul was very motivated and excited about the business. For the amount of information that had to be packed in
Wendy Noon

I learned some very valuable information. The information was presented in a professional method and the visuals were helpful.
Taushima Mills

This class was awesome! I am new to the industry and already feel as if I have gained so much knowledge! Kathy is very knowledgeable and relates to her students on a personal level but remains very professional.
Meghan Cavas

She used personal experiences as good examples and offered advice that is helpful (that I will remember and use) for my job.
Arlynn Ruiz

She made it relative to what we will be doing. She did not just read to us. She made it interesting.
Tony Hawkins

Excellent course to prepare for the exam and in general for anything in this industry. Very thorough; excellent training; great delivery.
Lewis W. Tart

She deserves a raise! She was challenged many times in this class by seasoned professionals and showed professionalism and class.
Derrick Ward, Sr.

Mortgage information presented in a professional, friendly and true to life manner. Paul is dedicated to the mortgage business and to your success.
William Losch

I liked the fact that Paul incorporates his sales ideas and views into the class. Paul was great. Lots of energy and very knowledgeable.
Kenny Wilson

It was very insightful. Not only did it give us info on state law it gave very valuable sales info. I enjoyed the class immensely.
Robert Schwickrath

I was reminded that our job is truly customer service. Awesome class.
Jan Parker, Jr.

Class act across the board!!
Kevin D. Jones

Made have to
Sarah Richard

A man truly committed to his industry and clients.
Aaron Jeffries

Continue to tell your stories and be upbeat. Very nice and knowledgeable.
Nikeya Rouland

I would love for all of my Los to get the opportunity to see the importance of details and relationships. This was a great 1 day opportunity to learn and refresh!!
Kevin D. Chandler

An excellent program. Combined with the on-line repeat training and open invitation to all other classes will well prepare you for the licensing exam.
Peter Sautner

The class was helpful and I took from it a better understanding of the industry. She relaxed the class from the get go. Made everyone feel comfortable. Excellent instructor.
Geraldine Guevara

Instructor was enthusiastic about the industry and it spills over to the class.
Brandon Peele

The instructor presents the information in a very clear and concise manner. She is very patient and genuine.
Lindsey Robinson

The material was straight to the point; the instructor was clear with instructions and the written material was easy to follow. She is an excellent teacher.
Linda J. Smith

I have attended many seminars and Kathy would be at or near the top.
Michael McGee

In my 12 years in the mortgage industry, this is the best introductory class I have attended for new loan officers/originators. Kathy did a fantastic job. It was a pleasure listening to a true professional and being around someone who has worked hard t
Paul Erickson

Very professional presentation, excellent seminar setting and accommodations.
Carlyn Peninger

Wonderful. Explained extremely well. Best instructor I ever had, including college.
Reece Simpson

I like the course offering online service and lecture even after the live session.
Pauline Lai

Lots of info in 8 hour period. Instructor did a great job conveying material.
Ron McCauley

This is a very thorough class and I am confident that it has prepared me for not only the NC examination, but also was useful as a guideline to help launch my career as I am well informed now.
Stephen Umstead

The only comments I have about the instructor is that she was very good and I wish I could take her back with me to South Hill, Virginia.
Darlene Sasser

The teacher was awesome. Material was very well explained and all questions were answered.
J. Arturo Martinez Guarera

She is very knowledgeable. I really appreciate all the hidden information given. You have fully informed us of everything.
Jennifer VanRoekel

Kathy explains things thoroughly in a manner that is easy to understand. A true mortgage professional!
Wade Brantley

Kathy knows her business. I am fortunate to have been given the opportunity to attend.
Crystal Ivey

Class really seemed as a newby to be the best mix of lectures, quizzes, activities, and breaks to cover so much in 8 hours. Good class.
Robert A. Nelson, Jr.

Kathy was a great presenter. She was upbeat, clear and related real examples
Whitney Long

I learned many things and I have been in the business 12 years.
Linda Norton

Being a seasoned loan officer I still found tremendous value in the law section and great explanations for APR. Kathy was very knowledgeable and stayed right on track and was still able to give great insight to the application of knowledge in the field.
Christine Michelotti

A wonderful introduction into the mortgage lending world. Kathy Godin is knowledgeable, friendly and very personable. Sharing some of her trade
Dora L. Schmitt

Pleasing presentation but very informative. Paul Donohue is fortunate to have someone of this caliber representing his company.
Edwin D. Skipper

She is a top-notch instructor! I have been in banking for 10+ years and she is the best instructor that I have had.
Kathy E. Johnson

Great content and presentation. Love that ethics is a high priority to you.
Tony Brown, Jr.

Very, very people oriented; knowledgeable about every aspect of the process.
Tammy Currie

Kathy was excellent. She was easy to understand and very effective in her approach.
Michelle Nelson

Very good speaker and I appreciated her telling us of her experiences as a LO and her success stories.
Elizabeth Pollock

Very intelligent and informative with the knowledge of being in the mortgage industry for 18 years.
Shannon Rogers

Excellent class. Introduced to not only legal requirements but also tips for succeeding in this business. Kathy is great!
Cynthia Thompson

The instructor was so knowledgeable and helpful. She truly enjoys helping people
Cheryl Cook

Instructor is very knowledgeable, friendly and passionate about the business.
Shondra Turman

Kathy was very energetic and was extremely knowledgeable. She kept the group engaged and involved throughout the day. Perfect balance between what is expected in the licensing exam while also providing enough preparation for real life
Kevin McElroy

The instructor was excellent! I was expecting a long day of reviewing NC laws but instead received a great presentation that was both enjoyable and informative.
Ben Falk

Very energetic, informative, and overall knowledgeable! Best training I've ever had!! Paul is obviously one of the most ethical, educated educators of mortgage banking.
Matt Olson

Everything was fantastic! Paul was very upbeat and kept the class interesting.
Sean Stuart

The instructor was very enthusiastic and had many ways to illustrate various principles of the mortgage industry.
William Kokosko

Trainer was great. Lived into the material and made it personable.
Soren Carlsen

It was so very helpful. You made it interesting by bringing your personal experiences in. Very good. Know what he is talking about.
Jeff Martin

This was one of the best trainings I have ever attended. It was a mix of sales training and legal training. Top notch good salesman.
James Lavender

Much, much better than I expected. The fact that he is still originating is a big plus because he can relate to the loan officers.
Yodeski Acquie

Phenomenal, energy, delivery and experience. As a sales manager, I am humbled.
Kraig Spence

I would recommend this class because further education is power. Professional while enthusiastically entertaining.
Mark Foley

Materials covered are right on
Paul Alger

Made all topics interesting via his energy and enthusiasm! More than just an education…an experience!
Steven Sadowski

Invaluable information, even if just learning from Paul's experience. Great insight into the business.
Brendan Connell

No matter how experienced, you'll come away with added things that you didn't know. Enthusiastic, honest, straightforward.
Otto Keller

Class presented at a brisk, but comprehensive pace, instilling humor and experiences into book work.
Michael Howett

Very comprehensive, upbeat and good pace. 8 hour class few by quicker than ever before!
Chris Kelleher

The class is extremely informative and Paul presents the info in a manner that is very easy to comprehend and retain. I would recommend him to all new mortgage professionals.
Jon Porricelli

I got better at my craft today. Helped me have a better appreciation for what I do.
Ryan Scarduro

This was one of the best trainings I have ever attended. It was a mix of sales training and legal training. Top notch good salesman.
James Lavender

Highlights and covers lengthy material efficiently and in layman's terms. Excellent presence. Knows the material and is a good speaker.
H. Luree Pavis

For someone who is new to the business such has myself I believe what I learned today will be important to my success as a loan officer.
Antavious T. Barnett

Kathy has extensive knowledge of the industry and her experience shows in the way she is able to pass on the needed info in a clear, concise and understandable manner.
Chris Druyor

She kept my attention in fundamentals although I have 16 years experience.
Jan K. Button-Minton

Kathy knows her stuff, loves what she does and presents this overwhelming amount of complicated info in an easy-to-grasp way!
Lara Grohs

Very nicely presented. This is a great course for people starting out in the mortgage business. The instructor was very personable and easy to understand. She was not dry and boring as are many instructors!
Amy Kurtyka

It gives a view of the mortgage world that is not always seen from the inside.
James Stacey

Kathy was extremely knowledgeable and articulated the concepts very well. I feel that I have been very well prepared. All concepts were explained adequately. I look forward to getting started!
Melissa Evans

The class was well planned out and was clearly taught. I have enjoyed the website as an alternate means of learning. Kathy did a great job communicating and fielding questions.
Michael Fulton

Explanation and reasons behind Federal and State laws were extremely helpful. She was enlightening and kept the class upbeat. Gave great examples of taking loan applications and getting the info from the customer.
Joni Disher

Lots of valuable information effectively packed into one class. The instructor smiled all day long, upbeat, fun and very knowledgeable.
Jonathan Szafran

Kathy's knowledge of the loan industry is the standard for excellence.
Carl Oliveira

The class didn't feel like an 8 hour class. It was so informative you get caught up with what you're learning and before you know it, it's break time. She is vibrant, pleasant, enthusiastic, interesting and enjoyable to listen to.
Carol Burke

Kathy is a terrific trainer! She took detailed information and made it easy to follow! Great stories to support the how and why
Lorraine Piechnik

She was on point with the details and she really explained things to a level you could understand.
James Vick

She was patient and willing to provide one to one help if asked (during breaks). One of the best presentations. I was never bored.
Amanda R. Philpot

After 30 years at a fortune 500 company, I've had countless training opportunities. This Fundamentals class ranks right up there with the best.
William N. Carleton

I loved the fact that I can sit in on another class. This allowed me to relax and not worry when something was over my head. I would highly recommend this class to a new person to the industry.
Cheryl Ryding

I was impressed with the amount of emphasis placed on moral business practice and not with earning money. (Rare these days). The instructor was great! The material was never dry or bland at any time.
Jason Wilson

I tech a class to Realtors in Rochester, NY. Kathy did a GREAT job!! I've been in the business 15+ years and still took pages of notes! Give her a raise!!
Tom Flaherty

This class was a breath of fresh air. I feel more confident in understanding the field that I am in! I felt she was precise and very helpful. She really helped with the math issues we all had. Great instructor.
Jennifer D. Campbell

Your examples were super and enthusiasm was helpful! Personable one-on-one contact. Made an effort to speak with everyone by name. What a people person.
Anna Sherrill

I felt I could use everything I learned and I think the class would be beneficial to others.
John Stup

I was referred to Paul's class from two of his past students. They were right. It is a Great Class and he did an awesome job with this amount of information. Let's hope I pass the exam!
Melissa Schwartz

Paul was great! I have been in lending for 10 years and I learned a lot! It was helpful just to hear a new way of explaining some of the concepts!
Aimee Partlow

If you want to be a loan officer, a really good one, come to this class!
Sylvester Rolack II

Excellent class. With no experience I feel I have a jump start on a new career.
Libby Lowdermilk

Mr. Donohue is packed full of knowledge, humor and positivism.
Derek Jackson

Excellent presentation along with fantastic people and interaction skills.
Jenny Johnson

I am going to tell my friends. The course was great!
Cesar A. Castillo

I was told that there was a less expensive class but yours came recommended and was worth the extra money.
Gabriel Burgos

Being able to preview and study the material before taking the class was extremely helpful when you are totally green. Paul was great! Had a blast! Came away more confident and knowledgeable.
Wendy E. Mullis

Comprehensive book. Great before-class website and after the class support.
Janet Marie Faulk Wyatt

Paul's knowledge and experience make me want to work hard and be successful in the mortgage industry.
Michael Fulton

Paul rocks! Great energy! Very patient! Great class. Fast-paced; great information; questions answered well!
Michelle Hooks

Paul brings lots of energy to the classroom! Much needed in what could otherwise be a very long day! Thanks!
Wendy Dixon

Overall, the course is a comprehensive foundation for the entry level mortgage professional. The course provides insight coupled with tenured industry experience. Uses real life experiences in conveying the information contained in the course materials
Heath Pomeroy

I am new to the industry and I was very impressed with the session and seminar. This is a good training class.
Jason Barber

Very dynamic speaker and knowledgeable. Her experience showed through tremendously.
Katherine Anderson

My general impression was that this is a good course for anyone in the industry, whether you have been there for 2 months or 2 years.
Rodney D. Parris

Loads of information delivered clearly and concisely from a dynamic presenter, Paul Donohue. Enjoyed it thoroughly. I was on the edge of my seat the entire day! I'll be back!!
Mark Schipke

Very helpful in the understanding of all aspects, including on a persona level in my own dealings. Very knowledgeable, informative and presented in an understandable way.
Curtis Cecil

It was extremely informative and inspirational! I will definitely be back. I have never attended a more well taught class than this class. Thank you so much for keeping the enthusiasm and energy high!
Wendy M. Joyce

Energetic, knowledgeable, credible, warm, enthusiastic, friendly, caring, inspiring and funny.
Brad Northup

This class was great. I feel well equipped to embark on a successful journey into a great new career. This class equips you to be successful and know you can do it if you act ethically. Great class. I feel like I could take on the world now and win w
Raphael M. Currie

I learned a lot! I felt confident with Mr. Donohue's credentials that he was qualified to instruct. The length of time in the business was reassuring.
Jo Horton

I really enjoyed this class, very informative. Paul was great. A wonderful people person.
Julie Patterson

Very informative. Kathy is a very good teacher.
Adam Haymond

Kathy was excellent and gave great real life
Brandith Marshall

Excellent introduction and orientation to neophyte in the field. Concise, organized, no nonsense.
Lincoln C. Conaway

I know nothing of substance about mortgages but now feel comfortable obtaining a license and working in this field.
Steven Elliott

She did a wonderful job of giving us all the information and still keeping us interested.
Tonya Barrett

Very helpful; relates to issues that really occur; very professional and very nice.
Kelly Miller

Great presenter; well prepared. Very important for new loans officers - a must.
Vern Holloway

Very well taught class. Thank you for the online class. I was able to follow along better. Instructor is very well spoken. She really knows the business.
James T. Schalla

Overall a great experience and I look forward to using ideas and techniques taught in class.
Brian Aikers

Instructor was excellent and I would certainly recommend her.
Rollin Warren

Ms. Godin was a very well spoken and patient instructor. She took time to ensure we understood her information.
Crystal Shearin

Great information broken down to a very understandable and easy to follow format. Very enthusiastic and kept the class enjoyable. She did a great job of presenting a lot of technical information.
Kimberly Bloebaum

The meat and potatoes right down to the nitty gritty. ABCs on LOing in NC. Experienced, knowledgeable instructor with a focus on ethics bar none!
David W. Mason

The teacher was really concern about us and our well being and how well we understood the class.
Samantha Freeman

Kathy is one of the most informative individuals that I have ever met. She answers each question with extreme detail and concern.
Kimberly L. Watts

I really enjoyed the comments on personal development and being emotional about your business.
Mitzi Flagler

It is very informative and the way it was presented makes it very easy to understand and retain.
Latric Brown

Very educational. Kathy was very well spoken and absolutely fantastic.
Jeannie Earles

What could have been very dry information was made interesting by Kathy's presentation. I was very, very happy that the class was enjoyable and not torture!
Darcy Brown

I was never bored. It was fast paced, but could keep up and felt it was truly beneficial; learned new things.
David Church

For my first time getting into this profession I felt comfortable in class. Also loved the idea that I can take the class again for review before taking the exam. Instructor was very upbeat, very well presented, at a perfect pace. I enjoyed the class
Gila C. Muniz

Instructor was passionate about service to her clients and the industry. Very professional and compassionate.
Marvin DeBerry

You guys know the mortgage business. Instructor was straight forward, no-nonsense, kind, sweet and very knowledgeable.
Bob Sadowski

I loved Kathy's way of bringing it all together. Great job!
Staley Brandon

It was a great setting and fun loving atmosphere to learn about all attributes of the mortgage profession. The instructor was a motivator that expressed an excitement for her job.
Richard Trogdon

The class was excellent. The instructor had a thorough knowledge of all information discussed and distributed. She is an ASSET to the Donohue establishment. The presentation was phenomenal!
Kimberly Freeland

Kathy truly knows this material inside and out. She is very sincere in wanting to help people succeed.
Cheryl Cook

Format is well conceived and tested. The live session plus access to online class for pre-class and review very valuable.
Babs Perkins

Kathy knows her stuff. We covered a lot in one day and she didn't talk over our heads.
Gloria Martin

Kathy's presentation was clear and her experiences added to what a loan officer should be - but in reality most forget about customer service.
Mary Jo Sanchez

Very informative, patient, explicit, detailed, thorough. I just wish I could take her with me!
Elinor Yellock

The instructor was wonderful. Great presentation skills and very encouraging in the profession.
Amanda Furr

Learned more in 8 hours than in two semesters of real estate investment classes at a university.
Ryan Brasiskis

The unlimited access and internet support outdoes any other institution offering this class.
B. Tony Burkhart

One thing I think is great is the fact we can come back and take the class again free. Great promo. I liked the fact she used normal terminology and didn't talk like a textbook. Easier to learn.
Wendy Schookcraft

I found the seminar to be very helpful and educating. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to go into the industry.
Clark Starnes

Easily one of the better seminars I have attended.
Curt McLeod

She was fabulous. Easy to understand and gave real world
Heather Jade

She made rules and regulations both state and federal interesting. A lot of into in a short time. Things were explained in a understanding manner.
Mark Pierce

This is my first time and I was very impressed. Kathy was excellent, especially sharing personal experiences. Very thorough.
Nancy Edmonds

Kathy was very informative and detail oriented in her instruction. Great attention to detail and easy to understand.
Helena Marie Andrews

I have been in the industry for 10 years. The instructor made it very relatable and had awesome ideas. She was energetic; truly a professional. One can learn a lot from her sales techniques.
Michael S. Heller

Instructor makes some of the dry
Doug Shaw

Very practical, straight to the meat of this profession. Very articulate instructor, easy to understand and gave extremely sage advice!!
Alisa Bibbs

I enjoyed the seminar and I was impressed with the quality of your presentation!
Joshua Merryman

Instructor presents material to make it interesting. Program contains up to date relevant information. We received a great study tool and reference manual also. The instructor was very knowledgeable, personable, and presented the material in an upbeat
Steve Swiatek

Kathy Godin was very personable and professional. Great instructor! She is wonderful and very clear with her teachings.
Hayley A. Stewart

An excellent introduction to the mortgage origination field. Her sincerity and love for the profession was obvious in her delivery of the covered material. A genuine desire to share.
Barry R. Egnell

She is very honest and realistic to the law and compassionate about long working relationships with clients.
Barri Spratt

I would recommend this class for all new mortgage loan officers. This class covers the training that normally takes me 5 days.
Brian Tucker

A lot of good information. Anybody can use it on the job or personal life.
Sageda B. Etimoni

On-line tutorials before class were very helpful in understanding the format you use. Kathy is a top notch professional but spoke and taught at a level we/I could easily understand. A real pleasure!
Karen Gilmond

Great environment, solid materials and very informative.
Christian E. Kwiecien

She is very knowledgeable, calm, thorough, easy, clear and distinct at answering all questions. She's great. I have attended other classes but this was one in which I was awake all through, even after lunch. Not one boring minute!
Vivian Ette

Kathy was very knowledgeable and communicated well! I wish she could pour her knowledge in my head.
Nancy M. Cole

Concise, well organized, good preparation tips/emails, professional staff. I have taken many CE credits for another career. This was by far the best class I have taken. Kathy was a delight. Very informed, pleasant, patient and approachable.
Kristin Wallace

I liked how Mrs. Godin used real life situations that you wouldn't see in a textbook
Daniel Demeter

Kathy was excellent and showed great enthusiasm for her work.
Virginia D. Kuchar

Kathy's experience and great knowledge of the industry as a whole is evident in her presentation without knowing her background. She is truly an asset as a presenter.
Amy H. Jernigan

This class has been phenomenal. Kathy was outstanding. Obviously very well versed in the industry. A true professional.
John Foster

The instructor has an excellent way of conceptualizing some of the more complicated laws and acts - she's wonderful. She could probably explain nuclear physics in layman's terms!
Lindsay Rakestraw

I would recommend this course and this instructor to anyone. Kathy was caring, sincere, organized and a great time manager.
Charles Odom

Instructor has a practical grasp of the material and presented it in a forthright manner.
James William Cole, Jr.

Excellent course even for mortgage loan officers that have had experience. Kathy was very articulate and detailed in her teachings. An excellent instructor.
Loren Carver

Kathy did an excellent job. Very thorough and patient.
Anthony Perkins

Presented material in a way that simplified the process. The guesswork was taken outt and the material was straight forward and interesting. Kathy was upbeat and able to keep the class awake while covering complex and lengthy material.
Kayce Bock

Best around. Greatest delivery of subject matter in such a short period of time.
Todd Klein

Kathy was great. Awesome personality, loves what she does and teaches the business with good ethics and morals.
Darren Cacace

The instructor was well versed in actual loan originating, instead of only speaking in theory. She obviously knows about mortgage loans. You can really tell she has been an originator.
Melissa Baker

Information was presented clearly and explained when needed. Presented overall information important to mortgage industry. Kathy was concerned about students comprehending materials and she was very people friendly.
Cassandra Sanders

I would recommend this class because of its professionalism and quality of materials. Kathy was very good in interjecting ethics throughout the day. I enjoyed her style during the class. She never made anyone uncomfortable and was concerned about the
Paul Wong

Kathy was good at explaining and talking to us. She stayed on schedule with program. A very nice lady overall.
Mark Casteel

The course was very thorough and conveyed well. Great for a newcomer to the business. Instructor was knowledgeable and passionate about the material.
Jonathan Cherry

I appreciate the frequent breaks allowing time to retain and absorb information. Instructor did a great job!!!
Trey Sherrill

The class covers the material to well prepare me for the exam. Kathy was an excellent speaker. Very knowledgeable.
Michelle VanMeter

I felt this class was very helpful. The instructor was an excellent speaker that kept my full attention. She was one of the best instructors I have seen. She was thorough, knowledgeable, and very professional. I look forward to seeing her at any othe
Melissa Moore

The class had a comfortable atmosphere. Even though I'm new to the business I was not afraid my questions would not be worth of asking. The instructor was very knowledgeable and answered all my questions in terms I could easily grasp.
Aaron Samole

I was extremely pleased with this class and know that it will help me so much in beginning my career in the mortgage industry. Kathy was a great instructor. I was very impressed with the amount of knowledge she shared with us. She made the class go by
Jennifer Reynolds

This class really gives you All The Need to Knows
Barney Harris

It was great to be in a class where the instructor stayed focused, on schedule and didn't side track off the topic.
Amy Phelps

Kathy was knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and committed to the class' success. Relevant, real world examples from a successful practitioner!
Bo Boylan

Kathy is extraordinarily knowledgeable and able to answer every question asked of her!
Sarah Birkmaier

This was an excellent training and educational tool for the mortgage industry! Kathy was fantastic. More than happy to answer questions. Great experience in the industry to provide to the class.
Stephanie Tuttle

The material was presented in a very clear and concise manner. It made grasping the new material less stressful.
Jennifer Swaim

Very impressed; thorough presentation. Very informative and detailed. Everyone can learn something from this course.
Kristy Ojofeitimi

Very outgoing. Had a lot of experience to share to help me when I get into the work force.
Kourtney Matthews

Excellent presentation. She was very knowledgeable and explained all information in the simplest way.
Ronda Freeland

This is a well-structured course that leaves you feeling excited about the industry and opportunities. I appreciated the focus on integrity conveyed by Kathy and through the examples she gave.
Barry Meisel

Comprehensive, friendly staff. Kathy's insight into the industry was very helpful. She knows her stuff.
Christy Barnette

Dynamic speaker! Excellent customer communication power phrases for getting on the same team with your customers.
Jeremy Hentges

Paul was fantastic at making the information interesting, and his genuine enthusiasm made all the difference. Awesome.
Scott Carter

Excellent speaker. Very knowledgeable. Huge influence for the business.
Dorohn Wright

Paul's seminar is educational and provides priceless sales tools that will be of value to the brand new broker as well as the seasoned veteran.
Nate Smith

Taking advice from someone who is where you want to be is the only way to go for me.
Fred Gilbert

Paul's start in the business reminds me of how I'm getting started and has got me very excited to Go Get 'em Tiger
Chad Dankel

I found Mr. Donohue's experience based insight to be very valuable and applicable to my expertise in loan origination. Paul was informative, active and understanding throughout the entire day.
Michael Wieners

Fantastic sales tips and presentation. Very knowledgeable instructor. It's good to hear from someone who has the years experience in the mortgage industry and is ethical!
Kathie Nguyen

Excellent seminar with a lot of passion, enthusiasm and personal examples.
Chris Spindler

Great depth of knowledge, great background. Lots to learn from this man.
Robert Ross

Being new to the mortgage industry, this class gave me a thorough understanding of the nuances, not only in NC but the industry as a whole.
Kris Spevak

I would promote the online version for pre-class or pre-test review. Very knowledgeable instructor with real experience doing mortgage loans.
Phil Cravatta

She was so knowledgeable and professional. Excellence is the only word for her.
Tom Murphy

Kathy seems to genuinely care about her clients and gives her pupils good advice on how to deal with clients.
Sylvia Dalrymple

Our trainer was very knowledgeable and used terms that were easily understood. She is an excellent communicator and it shows.
Katrina Barlow

Instructor was great. Clear, concise, passionate about the course and business. Approachable, kept course interesting.
Harry Hollis

Good insight even for those who have mortgage experience. The various tools offered to help study - in class, book and online were very user friendly.
Lorie Shew

I love to learn and this class/instructor taught me a lot. I feel confident that I will pass my exam. She was excellent. She got straight to the point and then moved on. Never a dull moment in class today.
Katrina Whitaker

This class is great for processors. They can get a good grasp on what they deal with daily. Kathy does a great job of bringing the laws and ideals of the mortgage industry down to a level everyone can understand.
Dana S. Meadows

An excellent, comprehensive overview of the mortgage lending business.
William Granger

Paul was entertaining, knowledgeable, hilarious, full of great enthusiasm; ethically minded plus much more!
Erika McLean

Dynamic instructor that cares for the future of our business and the new folks entering it.
Karin Underwood

Paul Donohue demonstrated a unique way of breathing life into the monotonous subject of mortgage law!
M. Scott Smith

The trainer and materials was presented so clearly, that all fear I had as this being my first experience with loans (except for the purchase of my home) has only made me want to further my knowledge and help others with what I've learned.
Toni Morris

Entertaining, knowledgeable instruction. Class (all 8 hours) goes fast - very good presenter. Knows his business.
Mary Williams

Paul's enthusiasm and expertise is very apparent and gives the class an extra boost of fun!
Ricky Knight

Paul did a great job in tying the fundamentals together in a usable format that will help me move forward faster and with great purpose.
Dell White

Paul is wonderful. I love his teaching and presentation style. High energy, yet warm, considerate and respectable.
Elva Ramseur

Paul - keep up the enthusiasm. After 8 years of attending your seminars, you continue to deliver the most influential training in the business. I love it!!!
John Paxton

This will be a new career for me. I was nervous and expected to be lost in the class. Paul was great and made me feel comfortable and confident about what I was doing. I was pleasantly impressed. This was an excellent class experience.
Marva Ellis

Kathy Godin was well spoken and professional. It couldn't have been any easier to understand. She is at the top of her class. Grade A Professional.
Otha Thornton, Jr.

I came in with general information but Kathy learned up a whole lot of issues, especially regarding RESPA. She was excellent in explaining every aspect of mortgage origination.
Tammy R. Pearsall-Jones

She is very knowledgeable - loved her!
Laura Albertini

Kathy is the best. I would like to bring all my team here to this class. Thanks for everything.
William Suescun

I thought I knew a lot until I took this class. It has opened my eyes to all the information I have yet to learn. Wonderful class!
Jennifer Levesque

I found it most informative. I learned a lot. The instructor Kathy was great in explaining everything. Not being the best at math, she was a great help.
Rosemary T. Ferrentino

The most comprehensive and simplistic overview of the complex world of mortgage lending you can get in eight hours.
Jason Carter

Well informed and experienced instructor with excellent presentation skills.
Linda McClure

Very well organized. Presenter was very upbeat and a positive with lots of energy!
Carol Dorsey

A great course and I learned a lot! Only been in the industry a short time so this class was a huge help.
Jason Lanning

Great class. Paul did a great job in the presentation.
Jim Lindsay

Paul Donohue presents the material in a way that captivates the attention of every student in the classroom.
Joshua Killian

Very informative and knowledgeable. Instructor really did a good job of keeping our attention and answering questions.
Derrick A. Dellinger

Paul avoids lecturing at his class and helps keep your interest and attention.
Jill Canner

Paul did an outstanding job. He kept my attention and enjoyed his teaching.
Philip Smith

The instructor is very knowledgeable and gives great examples. He is preparing you very well for the exam.
Chris Sayles

Knowledgeable and entertaining. I will be recommending this class/program to all interested.
Benjamin Franklin

Had a great time. Instructor was very personable.
Keith Johnson

Paul is easy to listen to and he is excellent at explaining hard to understand topics.
Matthew Griffith

It's refreshing to have an instructor that makes material that can be overwhelming very exciting!
Tami Thomas

Paul is a warm, engaging and dynamic instructor who has created a powerful training program to prepare us for success in the loan origination profession.
Bonnie Clark

I'm new to the business and ma thankful for the information so enthusiastically presented in this class!
Yvette Spencer

Mr. Donohue helps you grasp all the basic formulas for success in the mortgage industry through an energizing presentation.
Anthony DeLizio

Presentation by boths slides and presenter was idea. All materials were on hand, including spares for ill-prepared or unscheduled participants.
Brendan McCloskey

Dynamic; a great teacher and communicator.
Chris Roller

He rocks. Bottom line. Thanks so much!!
Kevin Vanic

Excellent job. Obviously extremely knowledgeable and able to teach incredibly.
Matt Edmonds

Paul was very thorough and had great energy. He made 8 hours enjoyable!
Justin Wilkers

Wonderful personality, friendly and very personal. Thank you so much. You're great!
James Newman

Excellent presenter, clear, concise and well planned and executed. Good pace.
John Ficarretta

I can't wait to attend another class! Very personable, great use of available time. Excellent presentation.
Cindy L. Craighead

Very valuable information for experienced mortgage specialists as well as people new to the industry. Paul was great! He took the time to greet and interact with the entire class. He is a wealth of knowledge!
Amber Waters

Great class. Lots of material. Paul kept things moving and kept me interested.
Cindy Morrison

Excellent instructor. I will be signing up for additional classes.
Tyra Parker

Detailed and highly useful information and documentation. Mr. Donohue is highly effective speaker and I was impressed that he never lost my attention.
Andrea Rhinehardt

If you want the most current and up to date information on this industry take this class.
Xai Yang

A filtered fire hose of information. Valuable info with high energy. Paul is very personable and interested in his students' success.
Jacques Caravaca

Very good explanations; great instructor. Good attitude and approach to teaching.
Eugene Parker

Fast paced, no wasted time. Wonderful presenter. Keep your attention.
Brenda Green

Paul Donohue Presents is the best in the country! He is a very in-depth person and gives the real deal. I really enjoyed him and the lecture.
Ada Miller-Blair

Whether you are new to the business or a seasoned veteran, Paul Donohue Presents is a must have! This guy really knows his stuff. Period. The ultimate in the mortgage business!
Michael Bechtel

It's very informative. He talks to you in plain English so you can understand.
Crystal Boone

I have been a loan originator for 6 years and I still was able to grow and enjoy the presentation. Mr. Donohue is a delightful, knowledgeable coach!
Joshua Benton

The instructor used personal experience as examples to answer questions. Obviously an expert.
Melanie Mohlmann

She was excellent, energetic and engaging.
Karen Throckmorton

Kathy is very very passionate about being a lender. She stressed building relationships is the key to being successful in this industry.
Jeff Etheridge

Technical and practical information was provided in a professional setting.
Jenny Boucher

Kathy is very personable and knowledgeable. The class was interesting and informative.
Tammy Fisher

The presentation and staff worked above and beyond my expectations. Thanks for the great book to study from! The instructor was obviously very knowledgeable of the industry and eager to answer fully any and all questions.
Justin Gish

Kathy is a great instructor. She is very thorough and informative. A wealth of information, very patient instructor!
Thelma Young

Kathy Godin is very knowledgeable, very professional and very caring. She is wonderful.
Emerson Ray Charles

Kathy was an exceptional speaker/presenter. She stayed on task and focused. Her presentation helped with the understanding and breakdown of the material.
Laura B. Bonds

Imperative that anyone wanting to originate should go through this course to make sure they obtain all info needed, plus see good morals evident in the presentation!
Michelle Chewning

Course is awesome! Great for loan officer requirement but even better for self-enrichment.
James I. Mitchell

Highly knowledgeable and very energetic. Made class enjoyable.
Matt Rausch

Paul was very engaging and kept it very interesting. Great presenter.
Dan Allen

Excellent class; informative and lively. The Best.
Marilyn McRae Burns

The best and the only one. Very knowledgeable, professional and polite.
Alexander Carvajal

I was very impressed with the professionalism and the care shown to everyone. I also liked the fact we got such great items to use for studying.
Michael A. Covil

I was extremely impressed how maximized my time was in terms of education/training I received. I very much enjoyed Kathy's positive attitude, her wealth of knowledge and ethical dedication.
Misty Reynolds

Kathy is a wonderful trainer. I appreciate her patience and attention to detail.
Michele Martin

I took in a lot of great information that was taught very well and was easy. The instructor was great! Always made sure you understood before moving on.
Tommy Carlucci, III

She was very clear and concise. She was patient and willing to go over material again.
Deborah Shew

Learn what you thought you knew. This class taught me more than I thought after 3+ years experience out of state.
Kaarlo Hietiala

Company seems genuinely interested in getting students new to the industry off on the right foot.
James McMahon

I have been out of the business for eight years. A lot has changed. This class brought me up to date in just 1 day! Kathy was very engaging, personable and down to earth. She spoke in layman's terms for those who needed it and didn't assume anything.
Peggy Broach

Kathy was great. She explained everything in detail but also kept the class moving. Great job.
Mike Farley

I will refer everyone who wants to become an LO to take Paul Donohue's course.
Dodie McClary

He is passionate and enthusiastic about the business and it shows in his training. He makes the dull information interesting and the hard information easy to understand.
Shauna Genna

Best 8 hours. Easy to follow instructions and I highly recommend the course.
Jeff Gay

This program was very educational and makes me very excited to become a member of the loan industry!
Julie Bland

I really learned a lot and Paul made it fun and interesting.
Jessica Williams

Excellent presentation and comprehensive coverage of info in understandable formats.
John Gillis

The course was orchestrated very well and provides so much useful info. Great job. Personable, friendly, good job of keeping everyone's attention.
Daniel Scagnelli

Paul Donohue is a gifted instructor. He truly cares about his students' success.
Charles Odom

I was impressed with the level of passion displayed.
Ortheus R. Draughn

Paul is obviously very passionate about this industry. He enthusiastically communicates this materials so that it isn't overwhelming.
Susan Corbin

Paul was great. Material and stories about the material kept my attention and helped me remember everything.
Clark Helton

Outstanding, informative. A must for beginners and professional alike.
Kenneth F. Schifferle

Paints a very rich and vivid picture of what is needed to succeed in loan origination industry. Paul is an excellent and dynamic speaker and instructor.
Darryl E. Moore

Paul's enthusiasm for the industry is apparent and his delivery is great. He kept my interest and attention.
Karen Eastman

This class was full of useful information - jammed pack. Extremely informative and well taught! Very upbeat and has compassion for the business. Easily gets the audience involved.
Ed Fejarang

Paul was great and fun. I'll be with you 4ever. Thank you.
Elizabeth McPhaul

Wonderful job guys. Thank you for all your help.
Shannon Childers

He's the man! Enthusiastic, passionate and knowledgeable.
Mark Lupton

Very informative with great examples. Paul is experienced, been in the field and offers lots of wisdom.
Debbie Browne

Paul was worth every penny! He taught us concepts that would double our $. We've just got to apply them and practice them daily!
Nikki Rhodes

Mr. Donohue provides a wonderful service that is professionally done right.
John P. Driver

Excellent class! Excellent instructor! Do not waste your time with any other organization.
Katrina Barlow

Paul Donohue speaks solely from experience! No guessing involved. The material he conveys through instruction is clearly understood. He makes you want to learn. He's a mastermind of mortgage material! I would recommend him to anyone! Can't wait to
Andy Lee

I had gotten positive feedback from co-workers who took the class and it was well worth it.
Kenneth Henderson

Best class I have come to both in sales and mortgage.
Josh Leonard

Paul is extraordinarily well prepared. Thank you very much.
Carol Gourley

Paul is a great teacher. He understands the business and makes the concepts real and tangible.
Crystal Horton

You're awesome. You are the Butch Harmon of your profession.
Kevin Logan

Extraordinarily knowledgeable - couldn't be stumped.
Rebecca Owen

All the basics you need to know to get started. Great refresher for more experienced mortgage professional. Thought she did a great job and gave some nice tidbits along the way to make an LO more successful. Example: Mortgage Advisor for Life.
Ed Johnson

She did a wonderful job and I would take her classes again.
Brian Brockschmidt

The class coupled with the SRP site will give you the confidence needed to take the exam. This class has everything you could possibly need. Worth every penny.
Ruben Arce

Great comprehensive overview to the industry.
Kristie Briggs

The course was very educational and the instructor was very concerned about the students learning the material. Good class material, good instructor, solid info.
Coley Scagliarini

Kathy was outstanding. She had lots of energy that made a difference. Please keep up the great work.
Tracy Green

This course is valuable in that it provides the framework of the law in which to operate. Instructor was very good, very knowledgeable and personable! A real winner!
Jeff Tilley

This class is fast-paced but the material sticks with you. She is great. Gives great real life examples.
Jennifer Rhodes

Very good. Kept information moving in timely fashion. Very thorough and gave information clearly and concisely.
Todd Shoemaker

This is my 2nd time and I had a great time on both occasions. Incredible speaker, very knowledgeable about the field.
Dean K. McClung

Very comprehensive intro to Loan Origination and the many laws. Creative ideas made the class more interesting. Excellent presentation and delivery. Ample breaks and answered all questions fully.
Ron Cassel

I feel this class taught the highest possible amount of education that could be packed into an 8 hour class. She was excellent at giving key information in a format anyone could understand.
R. Price King, II

She's good. Energetic, projects her voice well, tells stories that help me remember important ideas.
Tom Welstt

Kathy Godin made the class interesting, understandable and very informative. I had no problem understanding most of the materials she explained and she kept my attention.
Gwendolyn Favours

Very articulate and well educated in this industry. It's obvious she's ethical, professional and successful.
Jeff Moon

Kathy is a great instructor. Very knowledgeable. Great person to work on Paul's team.
Toronya Ezell

Given the required hours (8) your online educational material is very helpful as a jumpstart before and after class presentation. It's great.
Debora B. Johnson

Gives a lot of great advice. Really understands how to take care of the client and is sincere.
Travis Carter

Very well run and organized. Very good speaker with valuable experience and insight.
Sean White

The info is priceless. After having originated for more than 18 years I learned a great deal about laws -- both Federal and State. The instructor was great. She covered everything while keeping interests high and I think all class members benefited.
Arlene Worthington

Very knowledgeable! Her own experience in the mortgage business brings valuable information.
Linda Young

She knows what she is talking about. The real world experience and references were extremely helpful in having a holistic understanding.
Scott Sherrill

Great class and material. You covered all the topics I need to pass my state exam. A true eye opener as this relates to the professional and the ethical business.
Steven D. Williams

Great introduction to the mortgage business. You're great. Love your energy and enthusiasm.
Matt Lane

You should put more emphasis on the great study guide provided. It was definitely better quality than I ever would have expected it to be. I feel that once I give it another look, I'm ready to test! You can tell that the instructor Kathy really cared
Charles Footman

The guide book was well laid out with all needed definitions, good practice quizzes, etc. Teachers both times were thorough!
Shelley Glenister

Speaker was wonderful. She was easy to follow. The manual was well put together and easy to read.
Tammy Thompson

Kathy was great and very patient with everyone if they didn't quite get it.
Mary Beth Pennell

Very thorough and knowledgeable instructors as well as very helpful and concerned for the success of the course participants. Experienced and extremely knowledgeable of not only the products but the laws as well.
Blythe M. Blake

Information packed. Well laid out class with exceptional instructors.
Tammy Fahey

Excellent presentation. Clear/concise. Kept to the program and covered the material exceptionally. The time flew.
Oleg Tschekunow

Kathy and her knowledge made me extremely confident to pass the state exam. Very intelligent, interactive, and very good overall teacher.
Spencer Runge

Very informative instructor. Gave lots of real life examples for clarity. She knew her stuff.
Belinda Vincent

Comprehensive overview of loan origination filled with everyday solutions. I found Kathy to be an excellent instructor using concise and easy to use language.
Edward Waters

She has a super personality and is still very experienced and knowledgeable.
Natasha Ganim

She was very thorough and well spoken and knew her stuff.
Tammy Buckner

I really felt like our instructor cares about the success of each person in the class. Very informative. I got a lot of great information.
LaShawn Lancaster

Kathy is very lively. There is a lot of information but she makes it very interesting.
Sandra Marti

She's great. She's very customer oriented, which I believe is the basis for a great loan officer or anyone else that works with the public.
Kathy Green

I'm very new to the industry. I was impressed with the total amount of knowledge provided in 8 hours. I really enjoyed my time here.
Phillips L. Massie

Very informative, fast paced and easy to understand. Outstanding class.
Randy Corns

I walked into this class blind and came out more knowledgeable then I ever imagined.
Gregg Rodgers

He's great. Terrific! Exciting! Shall I go on…
Kristina Briscoe

Paul teachers the class from his heart as well as knowledge. He had me almost in tears at one point because I have been wondering if this is for me and when He said what he said that sealed it for me! Thanks so much Paul!
Edwiner E. Hooker

Paul's the man…'nough said.
Fred Womble

Paul is very energetic and passionate. Well spoken and presented.
Cory DeMarco

Excellent course. I would recommend it highly. Paul knows the materials and the business.
Ivy Pfitzer

Very informative, stayed on ideas and moved smoothly. I loved how easy Paul was to approach! Thank you for a great experience!
Elizabeth J. Champion

This class taught me more in 8 hours and 1 day than 8 hours and a whole month of training!!!!
Lucy Xayavong

I am a teacher who doesn't know anything about loans and I feel that I am leaving here with a wealth of new knowledge.
Jeremy Champion

His energy and humor helped to keep us on task and helped so we didn't become overwhelmed with all the info.
Lisa S. Austin

A must do for beginners or experts in the mortgage industry! Energetic and knowledgeable.
Chris Stuart

I feel the support offered after the class is great. I logged on before coming to the class and I was impressed with what it offered.
David Johnson

Paul was very, very professional and covered a lot of information in very little time. Awesome job.
Colin Pendell

I believe you have given me a great head start and lead into this industry. Challenging, fun, and exciting. He makes you want to dive into this business.
Sarah Leonard

Paul was a great instructor and great personality to have the pleasure of being in a class with!
James Grier

Paul is great, funny and captivating. He knows how to hold our attention.
Adonya Anderson

Confidence builder with positive influence in taking care of clients. Paul's knowledge and care for his clients comes through.
Mike Gilliam

I've been to 2 other classes by different educators and this one BY FAR
Mitzi Hamblin-Harris

Very generous with help and guidance. Very informative in time available. I had a great experience. Great sense of humor, very knowledgeable of subject. Professional but not too serious or over-rated
Erin Moore

Extremely helpful, knowledgeable, and patient with questions. She was excellent.
Michael C. McKee

Kathy was outstanding! It was awesome.
Alvin Cotto

Her method of teaching was great. It's important to stay on track with so much information to cover and she stuck to her word.
Tamara Gibson

Kathy was very informative, patient and had a wonderful presence. Very knowledgeable and thorough.
Kerri Crandell

Kathy knows her stuff and presents the mountain of material in a concise but comfortable manner.
Michael C. McCurley

She was amazing. Very clear information, ethics and a passion for what she does.
Julieta Melgar

The instructor was well versed in her field. You could tell that she had a caring attitude for her customers and wanted her class to succeed. I liked the idea of having questions posted on the escrow board and then answered during class.
Angela Street

Kathy was great and I appreciate her willingness to answer questions during breaks.
Laura Taylor

Very excited about subject matter; she knows her stuff and it shows!
Michael C. White

She was very, very knowledgeable about her profession and helped with real life
Dominique Jinnette

Great class to bring back to the forefront the general concepts and beliefs of our state that are lost in everyday life. Kathy has a great depth of knowledge in this business and is a great asset for anyone with questions from inexperienced to experienc
Benjamin Harper Boyle

She is great. I loved her enthusiasm and methods of teaching.
Paul S. Kolisch

The class not only covers prep for the test, but is a great overall introduction to lending. She was easy to follow. Interaction with students kept things personal. Knowledge of subject was excellent.
Bret Pedijo

The instructor was very effective in her delivery of the info. She kept it simple and easy to understand.
Jason Brown

It was informative and the instructor was pleasant and knowledgeable.
Yvette Teeples

Class kept moving and instructor knew her subject matter. Did a great job.
Kathleen Malak

Kathy was easy to follow and presented the material in a clear and concise way. Thanks!
Joanne Rohan

Kathy is great. Her presentation/style and interest in the class is excellent.
Zelda Thomas

Well trained and experienced. Very professional. Good sense of humor.
Michael Smith

I think Kathy Godin is as good an instructor as there is in the business. She is the best I've seen.
Ed Smith

A wonderfully upbeat and motivated instructor who clearly respects and enjoys her profession.
Adam McGrann

She was very upbeat and gave real world examples to help remember the material covered.
Dan Yarber-Josey

Fantastic introduction to mortgage loan origination. I highly recommend to all beginners.
Richard Corbin

She was interesting and extremely knowledgeable. Also, she put complex ideas across in an understandable manner.
Teal Renzema

Kathy was very professional, precise and knowledgeable about all the information. She also has a great presence in the classroom.
Shawn Elliott

Kathy's approach to the topics made new and experienced loan officers comfortable with the material to do well on test day.
Ed Domingo

The perfect beginning to a profitable career. This course will more than double your earnings potential.
Edward M. Pereira

Very knowledgeable. She did a great job giving real life examples to help us understand the info better.
Krista Flores

Instructor is very good at communicating the concepts. If only all professionals sere this forthright.
Isabel Bartz

Good class. Covers the basics. The book is well written and overall very clear. Kathy was really good at teaching and sharing. You can tell she loves what she does and does it very well.
Melissa Taylor-Sivulka

Instructor was great. Able to tell a lot of information in a short period of time, while keeping the class on a nice flow.
Portia Diersen

She obviously is very knowledgeable - A+!
Andrea Wilhelm

Kathy's teachings and knowledge of the business are unquestionably superb!
Derrick L. Ward, Sr.

Very informative. Makes class laugh, has good sense of humor, class is not boring.
Julia Grubaugh

I've processed and marketed the company loans without knowing why I do what I'm doing. Paul taught me the concepts behind the applications.
Kathy Macleod

Paul made you feel like you will always be a student in this industry and that professionalism and knowledge is the key. Paul Donohue was very energetic and he wanted you to do well with your future career goals in the industry.
Victoria K. Enchia

I had a great time. His enthusiasm is worth coming to class for!
Ayisha Lewis

Very focused on all material. Knew all information and explained so I could understand. Gave real life examples.
Carolyn Motley

This type of class could have been very boring for someone who has been in the industry but I really enjoyed it and was entertained the whole time. Great knowledge, entertaining and full of info. This class was very entertaining and I would recommend P
Matthew Bryant

Overall great. Upbeat and motivating. This is not just about the money but truly helping your customer.
Christie Walden

The material was given in a professional manner and I was able to stay alert the entire class.
Kesheia Steele

Paul really seemed interested in our success. Paul makes you want to succeed and he provides the tools to do so!
Wayne M. Dorsey

The class was very interesting and interactive. Paul gives a clear and knowledgeable insight into the world of mortgage bankers/brokers and loan officers. He was an excellent presenter. I would highly recommend taking his class.
Tashia J. Dorsey

Very knowledgeable and motivational. Information is fast faced but delivered in a manner that is understandable. Mr. Donohue is a great speaker and intensely knowledgeable, very good interaction.
Brian Burnett

While learning I was encouraged and became excited knowing what the future in mortgages is. With all the info we had to learn and amount of time he kept me interested and wanting to learn. Great teacher, awesome class.
Elaina Kimmer

Kathy Godin is a truly caring and professional instructor.
Robert Patrick Walton

Excellent presentation and interesting - not just a boring conference. Kathy was great. Kept on track and finished materials and added a lot of extras.
Richard E. Marsello, Jr.

She is extremely passionate about her position and has a genuine concern for her clients.
Tina Fry

Well put together, knowledgeable instructor, good handouts.
Carol Black

Very good. I can see why she is a success at mortgages. Very likeable.
Paul LaVergne

Excellent and knowledgeable instructor; it was obvious that she was familiar not only with materials but the actual practices.
Cristina A. Arlow

Kathy was a great teacher, very thorough and gave a lot of information.
Carla Hampton

I left the Paul Donohue Fundamentals class with everything I needed and a strong feeling of momentum to review and ace my state exam ASAP.
Bruce K. Patton-Roark

The material was covered very well. I have taken the class before with another company and this was a lot better.
Melissa Hoglen

Kathy was a great mentor and I also heard great things about Paul. Great tangible material to study by.
Shanna Morris

Excellent presentation skills; gave plenty of examples and application with theory.
Cindy Williams

Kathy was very adept at expressing her experiences and knowledge.
Alfred Skipper

Nice job! Detailed with touches of examples from real life experiences.
Tom Ziegler

Great internet blitz for preparation for this class.
Matt Dennehy

Made to feel at east with all of the laws.
Chris Bryant

Kathy was wonderful. She had great command and knowledge of her topic and the classroom.
Karen Mizell

I've been able to get some experience in the mortgage lending business for the last 6 months. This class helped connect many of the dots for me.
Andrew Rorex

Just like I was told, it's the BEST out there! And it is! I honestly don't know if it gets any better!
Ashly Autry

The coverage of major details was excellent!
Cherry Hill

Super efficient and effective for time allowed.
Kathy Jensen

Really liked Kathy's pace. She highlighted areas of main importance and stressed key information.
Tracey Amo

Paul Donohue and staff are genuine and sincere about promoting ethical lending practices.
Jaimie Bynum

I came into the class with very little security about my knowledge of industry. Left feeling confident and optimistic.
Laura Felton

Excellent presentation order. No need to change a thing!
Ken Golob

Very good class. I have a long history as an LO but gained a lot of info on high cost/Section 32.
Randy Epling

Everything was great. I just wish we had more time!
Rosaly Cabrera

Tremendous amount of info presented effectively and efficiently!
Eric Dillow

Direct to the point. Class flowed well and quickly and covered the high points.
Ren Garton

I loved the fact that you promptly jumped into the text very focused and professional.
Linda Overton

I am new to the industry and I understood the information like a seasoned vet.
LeShawn McKenzie

Compared to the course in Florida, this class was very easy to follow and touched on the right points.
John Hunt

The class makes it easy to navigate the many details of Loan Origination in NC.
Florence Cooper

Whether new in the business or a veteran, the concepts and lending laws are always good to learn again.
Nancy Love

It is a good class as a review or beginner as it covers a variety of topics imperative to know in our industry.
Phyllis Schonbery

It's required! Also real life experiences of the trainer are a great anchor for the industry.
Branden Townsend

Loved the class! Very informative and full of important info. I like that I have the online classes to go back to.
Tammy Shubert

This class has given me a wealth of information and has catapulted into a successful future.
John Gwynne

Provides individuals with options, particularly if they are employed by large companies.
Joseph Jones

I have taken the Fundamentals course previously with another training firm. This one is much better in administration, content and professionalism.
Kevin Olden

Insightful experience. Keep using examples - helpful
Ryan Ray

Instructor was very knowledgeable. Explains concepts on a good level for people who have little knowledge.
Gloria Main

Very direct, which I really appreciate.
Jeanine Harris

Great job by Kathy for covering a mega
Eric Peterson

You get what is needed to successfully pass the state exam plus the education factor as well.
Rupert Bailey

Extremely knowledgeable! Very concerned about education of students.
Rhonda Pitts

Paul Donohue teaches with enthusiasm and makes the learning experience fun!
Jamal McKinley

Very effective training style, good coverage of material and well organized.
Jay Wells

Best class I’ve attended on any SUBJECT! Very easy to listen to- lived up to what I heard about him.
George Dunagan

I wouldn’t have believed that much information could be squeezed into 8 hours but it worked and I didn’t feel overwhelmed. Paul was very personable and easy to understand. He shared a mastery of information.
Chris Rochelle

I feel extremely confident that I will be able to use Paul’s education and experience in this class to do well in my new career.
Bradley Evans

He is a high energy, enthusiastic, gifted speaker. He makes time pass quickly.
Don Horn

Instructor was very thorough and funny. His teaching techniques are excellent.
Shakieda Reeves

The trainer was fabulous! She is very knowledgeable about the materials and able to connect the concepts to real life situations.
Lisa Gleaton

I feel that we were not only given the information that we needed to prepare for the test but also the information that we need for a successful career.
Phyllis Kirstein

Excellent presentation. Complex issues made simple!
William Tomlinson

Not just learning the how to past the test
Carla Elliot

Instructor was down to earth, easy to follow and livened up a long day.
Kimberly Gast

I came in new. I knew nothing about mortgage laws. After class I was very impressed at how much I learned.
Denise Smith

Wonderful instructor. Very well spoken and taught practical experiences as well as book info.
Amanda Boan

Information and instructor moved at just the right pace to convey concept and principles.
Ron Moore

Kathy was interesting, knowledgeable and spoke clearly.
Cheryl Moretz

Kathy is thoroughly knowledgeable of the mortgage industry and is able to explain concepts so the average person can understand them.
Pressley Stutts

Kathy was fantastic! Her availability between breaks before and after scheduled class was very much appreciated. Real-life examples helped greatly. Her knowledge of the industry is top notch.
Nick LaPorta

Instructor was very good at keeping the information interesting by giving real examples and personal experiences.
Jerry Watts

Kathy is very well informed, very nice and passionate about her work.
Allen Jones

Kathy was awesome! She was very attentive to the class and assisted with any problems/questions that we had.
Sammie Normyle

Teacher gave strong understanding of the material. She was great. Really cares for the industry and her customers. Thank you!
William Cocke

Kathy was an awesome instructor and very prompt to the student's needs and questions.
Tara Wells

Loved the presenter and the layout of information as well as pre and post class knowledge banks. Kathy really has a strong understanding of the information - very helpful.
Johnny Lowe

Once again Kathy did a great job informing and relating in a way that it appealed to all.
Emily Byrd

Kathy was enthusiastic and pulled in personal experience that help make the class more interesting.
Elizabeth McGowan

The instructor did a good job. She knew the information rather than simply reading it from the book.
Dave Bunt

Very informative and puts the information in terms that beginners can understand and follow along without feeling lost.
Cynthia Burchette

She was very helpful and didn't hesitate to answer any and all questions before, during and after the class.
Luther Liles

Very good job! Kathy seemed excited to share her knowledge with us.
Heather Frost

Instructor was excellent and kept class moving and interesting. Excellent, knowledgeable and hands on experience
Dick Bintliff

During class I called into work and reported that I have a renewed enthusiasm for work after going over the basics again. Kathy was great and very clear. Thanks, I enjoyed it.
Amy Weber

She was great and I enjoyed watching and listening to her. Very knowledgeable.
Christy Johnson

Top notch! Would love to have for a mentor in the business!
Mark Noles

Class gives excellent overview of Federal and State laws! Math rpobelms very helpful in assisting in understanding mortgage loans.
Alan Sweet

The instructor was great. The people that referred me to Paul Donohue were absolutely right on about the knowledge you would get. I thought Kathy did an excellent job of getting the info across in the time limit she had.
Tracey Carrigan

Kathy was great! She absolutely knows what she is talking about!
Mesha Cameron

I felt that I was not out of place even though I was new. Kathy was very helpful and not overwhelming.
Martha Gay

The PDP Fundamentals class is a) resourceful; b) thorough; c) personable; and d) all of the above. If Kathy Godin has your back, you'll kick the PSI exam's ass.
Jimmy Guy

Trainer's online studies are the best tools around. Very thoroughly and overly explained information to ensure learning and understanding. Thank you!
Tony Fleming

Great job of bringing real world experiences to liven up what can be dry materials.
Michael Saunders

Made me feel that I should be able to pass the test the first time.
Frances Atkins

Kathy is great on her knowledge and how she ties the laws and ethics together.
Rhonda Pitts

I thought Kathy was great. She was very informative.
Lindsay Helms

Very informational. It covered mortgages front and back in good depth with the time allowed. I entered with little knowledge about mortgages but I'm leaving now knowing tons more.
Brian Wood

Loved the additional of Math Concepts before class! Very helpful! Very informative, great personality and sense of humor. Was not bored for the entire class. Time flew.
Gila Muniz

I was very impressed with the instructor's background and knowledge to bring to the classroom.
Gary Hooker

Information was presented in a concise, easy to understand way for someone like myself who has no prior loan origination experience. Instructor was excellent. She took the time to explain all examples and procedures very well.
Aaron Rice

Very well prepared and well executed. An example for all teaching and preparation courses. Professional, experienced and well spoken.
Stephen Strop

The expertise and willingness to help exhibited by the instructor made the class value great! Kathy Godin made my 2 hour drive worth it!
Daniel Conner

I loved her level of excitement and the way she emphasized ethics.
Brooke Lewis

The instructor was confident, informed, comfortable and helpful. She is great. I'm very impressed.
Tasha Westmoreland

The class seemed to fly…enough breaks, etc. Kathy was fabulous!
Jenifer Maldonado

Really enjoyed lecture; gained a lot of knowledge. Very kind, answered all questions, gave great examples.
LaKenya Alexander

This was a pleasant way to listen to the material. Very organized. Good agenda. Easygoing style. Moved comfortably through the materials.
Deborah Hyslop

The class was very enlightening. The instructor was fantastic. Her words were very inspirational to someone who is new to the lending business!!!
Emily Hill

User friendly. Paul does well to teach on all levels. The information is large, but Paul helps make it very doable
Yolie Affatato

Well presented. Paul Donohue is clear and precise. Very approachable. Good teaching style.
Cliff Pugh

Exciting and never boring. Course is very informative and comprehensive. Paul is a dynamic presenter and very personable.
Wanda Bynes

I know nothing about the mortgage business and I feel very confident that I have what it takes to pass the exam on the 1st try. Kept attention very well in such a fast paced atmosphere.
Stephen Knorr

I came in cold to this field and was surprised with the amount of material and how much I was able to retain it. Paul was great, knowledgeable and professional. Kept class interesting and was very concerned about class success.
Emily Ohiser

Very comprehensive. The best place to learn was here! Instructor was simply the best!
Bobby Patterson

This is the second class I have attended and both classes were great! It kept my attention. I learned a lot. Great!
Candice Hane

Very informative and very personal. Keep doing what you are doing. I had a wonderful time.
Elsie Daugherty

Very knowledgeable and seems to really care about her job and customers.
Janie Clifton

Ms. Godin is an exceptional communicator. Great educator and sincerely motivated me. Her ethical teaching shines through in her. Staff was very helpful via phone and face to face. Great customer service!
Debra Younts

Kathy did a great job. She knew her subject very well and was very informative and always ready to answer questions.
Anita Ruparelia

Enjoyed it! Very thorough, well given and I learned a lot.
Joan Makowske

Superb and very informative session!
Tracy Thacker

Kathy was extremely knowledgeable, honest and excited about the industry.
Dalinhy Koy

Kathy did an awesome job! Give her a pat on the back!
Jeremiah Phillips

As a newcomer, it is easy to understand.
Michael Hincher

The class was structured in a very organized manner.
Lance Dobler

The instructor was terrific; knowledgeable, very interesting and covered all the material.
Cathy Record

Among the most enlightened of any mortgage trainers I have ever experienced - liked her style!
Thomas Scott Earnhardt

Enjoyed the use of humor with class materials to keep the material moving. Paul made an 8 hour class fly by and he kept it extremely informative!
Marcus Robbins

Very enthusiastic and honest. You can rely on his experience in this business for trustworthy advice.
Patricia B. Hackett

Encourages people in this industry to approach this with excitement and a feeling of confidence. Clearly states information and stays focused on material and keeps class moving.
Karin Spagnola

Emphasize use of the website prior to the class. Great site and very useful. Well organized, moved quickly, useful information, great instruction.
Ed L. Hartgrove

I am new to the industry and the class was extremely valuable. Worth every penny! Very informative, practical information; real life situations presented with a focus on the consumer and new laws.
Heather Wolcott

Most comprehensive overview available. Enthusiastic, professional, considerate, passionate. A real winner!
Mary T. Lamb

I was surprised at how fast the 8 hours passed. I felt it was informative and well presented (on a level most anyone could understand.) Well spoken, entertaining and effective.
Bryan King

Impressed. A lot of energy throughout course. Was able to keep an experienced professional interested throughout presentation.
Anthony John Powell

I am new to the industry but came from finance. This class opened my eyes and got me acclimated to the industry. Paul is a heck of a public speaker.
Michael Tatum

I've been in the business 2 1/2 years and really learned a lot more than I ever thought from this class. Kept course interesting and educational. Great job! Keep up the great work!
Kenny Sherman

On the ball. Very knowledgeable. Outstanding professionalism.
Joe Ortiz

What could be very dry information, Paul made come alive.
Debbie Huston

Class act alone. No other presenters can compare to Paul.
Anthony E. Brown

It was energetic and far less overwhelming than I thought it would be.
Jennifer Shoultes

The class was very informative and insightful. Paul Donohue was very on point. He was very knowledgeable. I enjoyed the class and how he maintained control of the class.
Merlisa D. Marable

Very productive, instructive and directive. Paul was wonderful! He was very engaging and helped bring the material to life.
Josh May

It is very helpful and gives a lot of clarity and understanding about mortgages. He was very helpful and encouraging!
Monica L. Thompson

It hits on all the areas needed for not only initial completion of the exam, but continuing success as well.
Anthony E. Fortelney

I've been in consumer finance for about 8 years in other states. Although other states did not require this kind of training, I still felt I learned some valuable info -- even with my experience.
David M. Pogorelec

I have been in the industry for two years and this is the best seminar I have attended. Paul Donohue was so knowledgeable and willing to teach. I am going to use all of his seminars for my continuing ed.
Emily Osborne

He is full of life and energy when teaching. Gave a warm welcome at the beginning of class. Mr. Donohue was an awesome instructor. He made me feel like I was part of his family. Very interesting. A++.
Shannon Narron

Upbeat, into what he does. His emotion rubs off on the class and got me excited about the industry.
Gregg Neumann

Very good at explaining the law and math. You can tell she has been in front of a classroom with the expertise of mortgage lending.
Danny Altenburg

Just the right speed to keep you paying attention. Awesome. Great timing with breaks.
Amanda Tilley

Mrs. Godin is an excellent speaker. She is very knowledgeable and had no problems answering any questions!
Michael Williams

A good jump start into the mortgage industry. Good instruction and information about how to become a loan originator.
Rodney Stewart

Excellent class! Both interesting and informative! Kathy did a great job connecting - very interesting and informative!
Mark J. Holland

The class was a great experience and it renewed my interest in the mortgage and real estate field. I would highly recommend it to serious professionals. She had a great personality and understanding of the material.
Freddie Williams

Kathy, you have been very thorough and really promoted the ethical practices of this profession. Very profession and detailed.
Elizabeth A. Hoyt

Very informative and easy to understand. Excellent communication skills. Does a great job breaking things down as you can understand.
Anthony E. DiOrio

Not boring! Presentation was informative and entertaining at times.
Jill Blume

Very upbeat! Information was presented in a fashion that kept my attention for the entire 8 hours. Great class. Mr. Donohue is very knowledgeable and a delight to learn from.
Tiara Clark 

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